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Tom DeLonge's IG post on the nature of our universe

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So for those Out of the Loop, Tom is a former band member of popular early 2000s band Blink-182  but has since focused his attention to the declassification of UFO secrets and claims to know serious shit that the higher ups dont want to reveal yet.

Here is his post today:



People need to reconstruct their vision of what the Universe is. It’s not what you see, as that’s like saying your backyard is all that exists because it’s nighttime and you can’t see the forest in the distance. And what if there are multiple inter-connected and stacked frequencies that each have their own lifeforms that can hop in and out of our frequency? And what if we are souls that come from the top of that food chain and exist down here at the bottom(ish) only so we can “learn” and “evolve” toward love while in a physical body with limits, pain and sacrifice? Were we created to forget where we are from so we can live in an unbiased way and make free choices? But- what if certain visitors from a different frequency don’t have souls themselves, and they envy us? Here’s a book that is interesting.



Not that I take this man seriously, maybe he knows something, maybe he is full of shit, but I thought it would be interesting to discuss.

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