
Am I Right in Thinking I'm Too Young To Be A Life Coach?

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I've just turned 20, and I feel like in the future, I'd like to train to become a life coach, I find enjoyment in helping people. The only "problem" I guess is that I don't feel ready to do that until I have more personal growth, including life experience. Am I right in thinking I'm probably not ready for it yet?


The other problem I have is, whilst waiting for my maturing happen, will I just have to be a wage slave for a few years? I currently dislike the job I'm in now and want to leave because of how it effects me mentally. Appreciate any thoughts people have here.

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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Hey man I think if you want to spread the good word there is no harm in training now. You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself to answer everyone's life questions but I'm sure you have enough wisdom to help some people. You're 20 so I'm sure you can mentor high schoolers and such. Keep reading up about it and the more knowledge and wisdom you gain the more you will be able to share it. I don't think a good coach will ever consider themselves "finished." It's always a work in progress where you can help those you can now and you keep growing and that expands your ability to help others. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Yeah, I am 24 and still feel a bit young if I decide to go that route as well. Granted I have a good amount of knowledge in a few domains. There isn't anything stopping you if you go full force into it though and train for it. Really just doing life itself is going to help you with that anyway. Now creating something worth sharing is what you would want to aim for. 

4 hours ago, kindayellow said:

will I just have to be a wage slave for a few years?

No, you are going to needed business skills to get clients etc anyway. There is a lot of other options that you can do and you can even create businesses and find jobs that relate to what you are interested in. 

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You could go and get involved right now. Or you could try to build your own way. That will take time. 

Its easy to go to a Gym, fall into line and become a health coach. Or even go to a University, consume their standards of information and bring it out into society. But this will not serve an awakened person. 

The real motivational people I respect are the ones who came from nothing. The ones who decided to walk their own way. I'm sure you feel the same. Fuck the Standard. Its 2020 Bitch, time to walk your own path or watch someone else create it. Find your own way. Throw all the rules and standards away and create something that no one has ever though of. I am excited to see what you will bring. As long as you don't conform to the norm. Because I'm not normal, and I won't learn and grow from anyone who is. 

And regarding not liking your job. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Quit if it gives you pleasure and just watch how quickly you will grow and forget about those limitations. If you can afford it. And if you need the money, grind, and fucking work your ass off. That will only enhance your story. But always realize at what level you are willing to conform. Will you stay at a shit job for the money? So that you don't have to experience your perceived failure? So that others won't look at you like a loser? Or will you stay uncomfortable and press the reset button over and over again until you get the desired results that you know every fucking person deserves to have. Your choice. Don't sell out. Ever. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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Thank you for all the replies everyone I appreciate your time and wisdom:) 

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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My god, I was thinking about this right before I see your post. My situation is the same, and I'm 21. I have been studying electricity for the past 2 years, and right before I began with it I had a huge awakening that shifted all my paradigms. I decided at that time that I would study electricity to make some money before I go about pursuing my new life passion (helping others, being a coach life...) That decision came out of fear because I was super ungrounded, the awakening hit me so hard I had an existencial crisis and I was very lost. Today, 2 years and a half later, I'm still struggling with all this, I don't know what to do with my future and I have anxiety 24/7. I appreciate your post. Good day to you all.

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@kindayellow @99alvarosanchez

Say you want to be a World Boxer and you look for a Coach. You are very serious because it's your Dream!! You find 2 Coaches. The first one is a 60 Year Old Ex-Boxer who is a multiple World Champion in his specific Weight Class and still very agile considering that many people are down by 50. Second is a 21 Year Old who never boxed before.

Who would you hire to coach you? Why? Is it different your domain of Coaching? Why?

I hope you get my Point. This was not a rhetorical Question by the way. You can make decent Money in the Self-Help Industry as a 20 Year Old, yes. But it'll be hard work. You gotta master things like internet marketing and deliver content. Don't think you can use a cheat code.. So if you want to, by all means do it. The Chances are better than ever before.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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I think a 20 year old is at a point where they can be a life coach for a teenager. But I don't think anybody over 20 should take advice from a 20 year old unless they are truly exceptional. 

Every year I think I've reached my pinnacle of intelligence and maturity. But I also look back at myself 5 years ago and think how naive and undeveloped I was. This is the same every 5 years and I expect it will continue this way until I die.

Basically you can't possibly coach people on things you haven't experienced yet yourself.... long-term adult relationships, marriage, having kids, a successful career or running a business, etc.

Edited by Yarco

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You could specialise on people at your age so say 18-26. Segmenting your market and then tailoring your marketing to a specific group is actually much easier than trying to talk to everyone where you often end up talking to no-one. Lot of young people have issues they need help fixing. Lot of them feel lost, abandoned, have shit from there past they are carrying, ADD is a huge thing with young people so helping with productive habits will be part of that I assume. And you know the way they talk, think and what challenges they face so this could be a perfect opportunity for you. 

Also, you are not gonna be 20 forever so start now and in your 40s you can be a world-class expert and take on older clientele by that time. 

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