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How to accept that she doesn't like me the way i like her

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Before while ago friend of mine introduced me to a  very cute girl (which is very good friend of him) he told me that we would be very good couple. 

For a period of time he was planting a thought in my brain that she is exactly the girl for me, she is very cute and smart etc and it is the best option for me. (HE WAS SAYING THESE  SAME THINGS ABOUT ME TO HER)

 As the time goes we hanged out couple of times and i started to like this girl very much (i think there is smth to do with the brainwashing he did to me).

One night we were alone in the car and i decided that that was the perfect moment for kiss.  I got closer to her but i saw that she got quite uncormftable and i left her. 

Since attraction cant be faked how to accept the fact that she doesn't like me sexually.

Its not her fault that doesn't like me its mine.... How to stop judgeing myself for she not liking me, and how to accept the fact that she doesnt  want me....


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Attraction is always mutual. Maybe there is something happening between you both. Maybe she isn't the person you are searching for and she can sense it. Or you are just pushing her too hard and acting as if you were blind.

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No its no ones fault!

Watch Leos video on emotions. Its about perspective. Now you think "Oh she doesnt like me, my life is ruined" (kinda) instead what would you feel like if you thought "Cool, now that I know she isnt into me I can spend my time dating other girls and will find my dream girl".

Also maybe she is still into you but wasnt ready for a kiss yet. You dont need to leave if something becomes uncomfortable. Just step back, relax. Try again later and see what happens.

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I would be seeing if she has any hotter younger friends. I swear, fellas should learn to code. Always execute the program. 

If she comes over, i smash or else NEXT. Repeat the process over again. Welcome to modern day dating life in 2020.

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@Kiko Don't blame yourself like it's your fault. She was probably just uncomfortable because there were expectations planted in both your minds by your friend, and that killed the natural buzz that could have happened otherwise.

Things need to happen organically. It's obvious why it didn't work out. Having a preconceived "obligation" to get together just spoils everything from the start.

It was never going to work out because of this. Not your fault so you can relax. 


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