
Solipsism is True!

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1 minute ago, Johnny5 said:


Start with the internet. The rest of the world can wait.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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54 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Vegan - if you continue to state that God does not exist i will be forced to ban you for spreading misinformation.

First and foremost my Forum name is not vegan, it's VeganAwake.

I can afford plenty of lawyers unlike you.. thats laid off.

 look Bud Leo has been a huge inspiration in my life.. along with a deep Awakening experience and not a mystical made up story to match his experience.... 

I would honestly challenge you to go out and find your own experience. 

Clear recognition of non-duality isn't something that's experienced prior to Awakening.

I would recommend you as a newbie that's good with words but just doesn't understand non-duality....

It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of it's just whether it happens or not... an experience that is..

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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9 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

First and foremost my Forum name is not vegan, it's VeganAwake.

I can afford plenty of lawyers unlike you.. thats laid off.

 look Bud Leo has been a huge inspiration in my life.. along with a deep Awakening experience and not a mystical made up story to match his experience.... 

I would honestly challenge you to go out and find your own experience. 

Clear recognition of non-duality isn't something that's experienced prior to Awakening.

I would recommend you as a newbie that's good with words but just doesn't understand non-duality....

It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of it's just whether it happens or not... an experience that is..

Yeah what happened to being open minded.  Take the spanking i just gave ya.  See ya in a few weeks.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 30/06/2020 at 3:58 PM, Someone here said:

LOA and whatnot?  Yeah sure just repeat this mantra 1500 times every morning and in few months. . Tada!  All that will just pop into your life out of nowhere.. Right?

It doesn't work like that bro.  If you have a dream go make it happen.   Stuff don't happen unless you get off your ass and make them happen. Because guess what?  Neither God nor the universe give a crap about you or your dreamboard. 

Lul yes, the funny thing about law of attraction, you have to lie to yourself in the beginning to make it work. But surely by lying you attract more lies.. Law of attraction or law of fiction 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yeah what happened to being open minded.  Take the spanking i just gave ya.  See ya in a few weeks.

I do not see what is wrong with any of VeganAwake's posts. He is expressing an opinion. Make sure not to abuse your power for petty ego defense. Spiritual ego is a thing and you should ask yourself why are you reacting this way to his words.

There must be some identity there that is being hurt by those harmless strings of letters.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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12 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I do not see what is wrong with any of VeganAwake's posts. He is expressing an opinion. Make sure not to abuse your power for petty ego defense. Spiritual ego is a thing and you should ask yourself why are you reacting this way to his words.

There must be some identity there that is being hurt by those harmless strings of letters.

He is spreading misinformation and is close minded to anything other than his beliefs.  He doesn't have his own POV because when pressed he will quote other teachers.  Denouncing God or a higher state of consciousness other than his current because he has never been in any other state of consciousness - meaning mystical experiences or states - would be spreading disinformation to potential newcomers to spirituality.  This aint his first rodeo.  He has had plenty of leeway.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Individuals that believe they will find something of THIS! This is it brother there's nothing else. It's beautiful whole complete perfect the Kingdom of Heaven Paradise

You found this and then say that there's nothing than the illusion of this. Funny :D


8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

We are not the center of the universe as much as we want to believe it or not. ❤

But you are the only God. Why do you identify with this?

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Yes you (❤️) is center of the Universe.(mindfuck ok have to really be ok with it clean out sober out) 

There is zero seperation and difference btw you and God. Since you are you know ❤️ and ❤️ is everything. 

Hope this helps. 

Hope this resolves why are you static but it's not solipsism. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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On 30.6.2020 at 1:16 PM, Red-White-Light said:

At the higher levels of consciousness you start to realise how you are willing everything as God.

The chair, the cat, the mirror, the self that is seen in the mirror, your hands etc. 

The external reality doesn’t truly exist, you are existing the room you’re in.

Because you are the creator during every moment of creation, you are alone.

True enough, relatively speaking. However, also 'alone' vs 'together' is a dualistic language game/concept that must collapse. 

You see? The very notion of being alone is only real if you can contrast it with being together. 

You are alone together.

You are together alone. 

It can't be described with words. God is nothing (yet God is equal to Consciousness, The Universe, Love).

God is neither alone nor together, yet he is also both.

Also, the notion of being God willing everything into existence, yes it is relatively true. But one can easily see how egos can misinterpret this and like, identify with it personally/egoistically...just look at the length of this topic. I know what it's about, i dont even have to read all the pages lol

All it is, is egos discussing with other egos. Which yes, ultimately can be seen as the one Divine Godhead having fun and playing around, fooling himself but ultimately just having a meaningless discussion with herself. xD

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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7 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

He is spreading misinformation and is close minded to anything other than his beliefs.  He doesn't have his own POV because when pressed he will quote other teachers.  Denouncing God or a higher state of consciousness other than his current because he has never been in any other state of consciousness - meaning mystical experiences or states - would be spreading disinformation to potential newcomers to spirituality.  This aint his first rodeo.  He has had plenty of leeway.   

You do understand what's going on though, right? He's found great relief from suffering in that side of the teachings. Those teachings are incredibly valuable when used to unwire beliefs after awakening and mystical experiences, or before they happen. Relief from suffering is what is looked for. At some point the relief goes away, and you realize that those new teachings became a belief to you, and just as if they were a newly acquired material object hedonic adaptation sets in. The new car in the garage no longer gives you a rush when you see it. You know at your core that you have to throw your enlightenment beliefs away, but the fear of past suffering and the memories of joy and relief at finding the way become new attachments. By pushing against other people and trying to convince them, this massive internal conflict is relieved, somewhat, and yet also is brought to the surface.

It's not actually an argument or a fight but a desperate attempt to feel better. We all here, have done and do this. 

I'm not exactly suggesting that anything should be done differently except that this is a common problem and I often see people banned or suspended for it, at a point in time when they may need the support here the most. 

What is the objective of this forum? Is it to prevent misinformation and to get things "right" or is it to discuss and offer support for people on the path, knowing that each person is their own authority and will know by feeling if information resonates or is false? I just think that if we really question why this keeps happening and reflect on our own paths and our own reasons for arguing and reacting to other's perspectives, we might all "level up" a great deal. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I say this Jed dude ain't no so. Different then me he can't be even if he wants it. ?

Lol ? like clones. ?Omg

Ok sort yourself invincible effortless One. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Wired ONE, more like passionate fired ONE Holy One Superior One. Death like a full one, spiritual work nice stuff. Need to cut childlishness. That's why all that "lonely" crying. Perfect all the time and always know what to do can't make mistake literally. 

Self doubt, fears, anxieties, worries etc lol at that. All Removed once you give that head. ?

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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12 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

When Awakening occurs there isn't anyone left,. that's what you're not recognizing.

Non-duality cannot be recognized from the subject/object perspective period.

That's the apparent issue here.


When you truly have awoken all there is left is God/Love/Consciousness (which also is what was before ofc, only you didn't see it). So it's not just that there isn't anyone left after awakening -- that's true enough, relatively speaking -- it's that what is left is what really IS: Love/Oneness/God/The Garden of Heaven

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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The problem is what we consider God to be. IMO God can't be denied, God is pure existence all around us. 

But for some, God has religious connotations, they don't like the word. 

But God is simply reality, what is happening this moment, right now. 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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54 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

It's not even misinformation.

There is no god, that's just a way of conceptualizing.

And enlightenment is indeed a distinction/duality.

Smartypants.  Just because we cant communicate this stuff and can only provide pointers - doesn't mean you are not the Universe - that you are not Infinity.  That you are not God.  That you are not Love.  That you aint Being.  That you aint Izzness.  And you can become conscious of that directly - by dying!  He doesn't understand that yet.  Because he never died.  Because he believes there ain't no one to die.  And there ain't - (after you die!l ).  He quotes stuff like "die before you die" and videos on states of samadhi but then says samadhi doesn't exist? Come on....

Look i dont wanna kick him when he is down but the reality is he doesn't grasp what Being is yet.  Or Isness.  Because he ain't never izzed.   If you aren't here to learn..i mean...

Spoke to him last night on the phone and he could barely talk -was pretty lay down drunk while posting which explained why he exploded on me.....he'll be back and if he is open to learn its all good.  He can preach no self but when you start saying stuff that is blatantly false i mean eventually it just won't hold up here.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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13 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

The problem is what we consider God to be. IMO God can't be denied, God is pure existence all around us. 

But for some, God has religious connotations, they don't like the word. 

But God is simply reality, what is happening this moment, right now. 

Yes when we say God we are speaking from the transrational stage not the prerational.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

When you truly have awoken all there is left is God/Love/Consciousness (which also is what was before ofc, only you didn't see it). So it's not just that there isn't anyone left after awakening -- that's true enough, relatively speaking -- it's that what is left is what really IS: Love/Oneness/God/The Garden of Heaven

Beautiful :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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36 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Because he believes there ain't no one to die.  And there ain't - (after you die!l ).  He quotes stuff like "die before you die" and videos on states of samadhi but then says samadhi doesn't exist? Come on....

You're spreading "misinformation" here like wildfire, yourself. There isn't anyone there to die, before "it" or not! He's trying to point to letting go of the beliefs, and sometimes around here we hold on to the belief of letting go like the last string keeping us from plunging over the cliff. We're all standing around made uncomfortable by watching this charade.

Jokes on us. There's no VeganAwake. You're holding him as what he is in your imagination. You're doing this to him. You're suffering in place of him. Your image of him is you.

36 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

He can preach no self but when you start saying stuff that is blatantly false i mean eventually it just won't hold up here.

What are we trying to hold up? What? 

If you suspend someone for posting while intoxicated that's a good reason. Spreading misinformation on a nonduality forum with the assumption that there's truly correct information, doesn't hold up. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Imagination like some mind stuff, fluffy dreams? Or it's God? 

Human notions of Imagination is not what this nothing is. 

Beleif based enlightenment is not actual awakening. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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