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Absolutely no motivation at all

26 posts in this topic

  On 7/1/2020 at 8:38 AM, rav said:

I have to go there again the next day.


  On 7/1/2020 at 1:47 PM, rav said:

It's a feeling of heaviness around my heart area, a change in frequency of my heartbeat and a slight pounding sensation in my ears.

  On 7/1/2020 at 3:32 PM, rav said:

it still feels genuine and true 

That’s what you believe truth feels like?

That’s how it feels to be genuine?



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  On 7/1/2020 at 3:41 PM, Nahm said:

That’s what you believe truth feels like?

That’s how it feels to be genuine?

No. No way. I personally believe the Truth feels amazing, unbelievable, indescribable.

What I wanted to express: This feeling of anxiety around my heart is still there when I think about work and I am still under the impression that this feeling is (insert appropriate adjective here). Man, I'm confused. Today and yesterday I followed your lead and did 90 minutes of what you call "meditation to the middle" and what shall I say? It's a completely different beast to what I did before. When I breathe and deeply feel into my stomach area, there's a whole lot of emotions coming up, some intensely negative, some vaguely positive, and I totally forget to be aware of my face and limbs - it is as if they weren't there. And now, when I consciously think about work tomorrow and consciously feel into my anxiety it still feels true, but also somehow not, and I honestly got no effing clue what's going on right now.

Anyways, I asked for a nudge into a different direction and you somehow did that without me knowing how you did that and right now I'm just grateful that I've opened this thread.

Now I got new ideas, new directions, new techniques and new leads. Thank you, Nahm and everybody else for your suggestions and help!

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After so much success you have to expect some stagnation or even regression. I have constant ups and downs. The only thing that matters is that it's getting better over the years.

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