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Mushroom Trip Report

3 posts in this topic

This was a few years ago but I love reading other people’s trip reports so thought I’d share my first and only psilocybin experience.

A friend of mine in Amsterdam had grown some mushrooms for myself and my fiance and he was to be our sitter.

We ate between 5-6g each and I went to lay on the bed.  My friend was sitting in the corner but after about 15minutes I asked him to come over so I could tell him what was happening.

I felt like my body was being scanned by the mushroom, like doing a systems check before blast off.  Everything seemed to be in order.

The next thing I remember was being confronted by the full immensity of what I can only describe as God.  It was completely crushing me and I just made myself as small as possible on the bed before getting down on the floor in front of my friend and fiance and apologising for my arrogance, now recognising them as God also.  I’m still not sure if I was fully recognising them at this time but overall it was being confronted with God and feeling my own arrogance and foolishness.

As I got back on the bed I decided to play some bhajans.  My body moved easily with the music and the movements seemed to have cosmic significance.  As the music intensified so did the movements up until the point where I became unplugged.  This literally felt like being unjacked from the matrix and whatever force was animating my body was just cut off and i flopped down on the bed.  I was able to let my friend know I was ok.

All I remember was after this God took over.  I was God and was just inspecting things around the room including my body, admiring flowers and inspecting my limbs.  Everything seemed ok, nothing to be concerned about.

A few other things happened but my memory is a little fuzzy.  I remember being God felt like the most natural feeling.

I remember trying to show my fiance some clips of Mooji but she wasn’t having such a good trip and didn’t want to participate.

The next morning we woke to a beautiful snowy white Amsterdam.  As we walked outside we came across this large group of performers and their singing and dancing felt like a celebration of the night before.



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