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What books help stage blue/orange move up to stage green?

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I work for quadriplegic with locked in syndrome. He is an intellectual and loves to listen to audio books. But all of his books are political and economical from the stages blue and orange perspective. I want to ease him into stage green and then into stage yellow. I made it my mission to gently ease him into it like Leo gently eased me from Red/orange/green to green/yellow.

(By red I mean Leo’s earlier videos helped me deal with past trauma that held me back which caused a domino effect of resolving other issues like insecurity, low self esteem, pessimism, and rigid black and white thinning)


Are there any books that can help a hardcore catholic republican move up the spiral with out triggering him to end the book?

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Hey, got a couple of things on mind :)

Offer him a book on meditation, if you package it in a secular way and tell him of the numerous benefits, i bet he will like it. Maybe Sam Harris will do the trick if he is not too religious. No matter how you look at it, meditation will be a killer skill for him, being locked in a chair or bed. ..

Bob Monroe's - Journeys trilogy might also be very attractive to him, sooner ... or later. Its 3 books written by one of the first westerners exploring OBEs, Bob has a very scientific and rational approach to things, so there wont be any mystical/religious language that can easly turn orange off.

I personally think that the key skills orange needs in order to move to green are healthy skepticism and meditation. If orange stays in that space and stays away from the sticky stuff, he will quickly move to green, nutrition might be another theme that can mesh good. This was the case for me. I didn't stay in orange more than 2.5 years this way.

Edit: Oh sorry, you said Hardcore Catholic... that complicates things, hm..

Edited by Yog

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"A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy", in general stoicism seems to resonate with many self-development newbies (not saying it loses value if you are more experienced). Great for 'solidifying'  orange.

Alan Watts is great for moving people into green. You could argue that he was an episcopalian priest for some time and has a master's in theology. 

Also, most importantly, spiral dynamics. Just alone to see that there are stages above someone can help to open them up towards developing.

Edited by Godhead

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Thank you for the recommendations. I will look into those.  But yes it is difficult to dance around the rigid Catholic beliefs. I believe he was more grounded in stage orange before his accident in 1994. He was a 2nd Lieutenant at the Air Force Academy in Alabama. He used to be handsome, fit, confident, and I heard he was a ladies man. However he dove into a pool and had a stroke at the base of his brain. He became paralyzed eyes down. He can’t talk or eat. I he communicates with looking up for yes and down for no. I imagine he’s already good at meditation since he is at the mercy of his caregivers and there are times where he sits in silence unable to distract himself with tv or radio. I feel like he regressed back to stage blue after his accident. 

When I first started working for him 6 years ago he would cry at night and spell out letter for letter on the spell chart with his eyes saying, “I’m going to hell, God has punished me for being the antichrist.” His mother told me he used to be rebellious and stopped attending church regularly when he was 18. So I feel like his belief in god was solidified because he thought he was being punished by god for his stage orange lifestyle in his teens and early 20s. 

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19 hours ago, Godhead said:

"A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy", in general stoicism seems to resonate with many self-development newbies (not saying it loses value if you are more experienced). Great for 'solidifying'  orange.

Alan Watts is great for moving people into green. You could argue that he was an episcopalian priest for some time and has a master's in theology. 

Also, most importantly, spiral dynamics. Just alone to see that there are stages above someone can help to open them up towards developing.

Thank you! I appreciate the recommendation. I’ll see if it’s on audible. I enjoy Allen Watts myself. 

I tried to tell him about spiral dynamics and his friend (his wife’s old college statistics professor who stayed in touch because of their mutual faith in god)  chimes in and brushed it off as new age beliefs and even warned me about it. It’s frustrating because I know if I could get him interested in spiral dynamics he would find more entertaining perspectives to learn from. All he has is his mind so learning and thinking is all he has left. 
Fox News and the political books he listens to are so exhausting and their rants about stage green are so played out. He listens to maybe 5 audiobooks a week, watches Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Perro, Laura Ingram, and 700 clubs daily. 

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Why do you believe they need to change? Is it to fit what you would like for them? 

I realize that being moved up the spiral is nice. Especially once you get closer to tier two. You have to consider at a certain level it will just distract you from working on yourself. I have to admit even with myself I enjoy helping others, but you have to consider if they actually want the help. 

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You have a point. He probably doesn't want to change. I was wishfully thinking he would be interested.

I’m personally tired of his fathers rants. I accept them for who they are. But last month one of his CNA’s quit because she was tired of his dad’s “racist” comments about the Black Lives Matter Movement. She just literally told them off and walked out after working there 7years. He and his parents don’t understand why she got so triggered. I understand.

But since then I just want him to stop supporting Trump so unconditionally. I just really want him to open up his mind to the problems we have. I know he is intelligent, generous, and kind. I just think maybe he could also find enjoyment in seeking enlightenment.  

He is perpetually bored. Imagine living life for 20+ years without the pleasures of food, sex, verbal communication, independence etc... if I was him I would wish to die. 

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@Lindsay I had wanted to study Stephen Hawking because he actually enjoyed his life from the stuff I read. However, I don't know quite enough about it. There is no doubt about it that evolving to a higher stage would be beneficial especially in his situation. 

It sounds like he is more in red and blue, but probably has some orange too. If you feel like you must try to move him if he is christian or anything, then zig zigular would probably be good or something similar. Basically a mix of religion and self achievement.  It is highly unlikely he will move up unless he is ready though and has to exhaust those stages. He would have to go through them fully to really move up well and healthy. You are talking about some serious work to really get someone of that age with their beliefs and such. One thing that I have found to work well is just leading by example. People can start to tell once you have really worked on yourself. You can give nice tips that meet their level of development. Someone in that position likely needs just very fundamental self help techniques. 

Something to consider would be the fact that he might have made it as far as he could with his life experiences and situation. I try to analyze why someone might be the way that they are and there is a lot of factors that can contribute. Especially someone who is not able to move for that long could seriously be hindered not to mention assuming their age likely could have had racist parents etc. 

The best way that I have found to apply spiral dynamics in a situation like this is just to be able to meet them on their level. When you get angry at what they say or hurt I want you to try thinking what it must be like to be them. Imagine what it would be like to have their experience. Not just a bit, but like really try to immerse yourself into the feeling of it. Likely you will just feel sorry for them. 

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What is his diet; I'm curious since he can't eat I think this can always be improved upon unless it's more hardcore than that and he has to be fed through serum;

simple and habitually known stuff in the self improvement communities like vegan/carnivore/keto(therapeutic and more extreme keto for nerve regeneration) a possibly vitamin D K2(mk4/mk7) super high supplement which reduced arterial calcification by 40% according to a japanese study just thinking of things that might help someone who can't move at all feel lighter;

does he get the proper amount of sun exposure?

maybe try some light fasting here and there?

Here's one study: K2 MK-7 and the Activation of Osteocalcin and,regulates calcium in the body.

You can also else get mk4/7 from fermented foods like natto and very specific types of cheese and goose liver; might be harder to find and more expensive than a supplement though.

Edited by seriousman24

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Uh, the bible can help with consciousness elevation in general.


Oh and politics can be easily an above orange topic. He may even be higher up the spiral than you think. Would you know?   

Edited by Artsu

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If he is hardcore Catholic, you could suggest some Catholic authors- Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, Bernadette Roberts, Teresa of Avila. I'm not sure if they would help move him up but they might ease his mind. My mom, who is hardcore Catholic, just finished "Thank God Ahead of Time" and she enjoyed it. 

Edited by wens16

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@seriousman24 He strictly gets 4 high fiber, high nitrogen, high nutrient drinks, Gatorade, prune juice, cranberry juice, coffee. That’s it. 

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On 7/9/2020 at 0:41 AM, wens16 said:

If he is hardcore Catholic, you could suggest some Catholic authors- Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, Bernadette Roberts, Teresa of Avila. I'm not sure if they would help move him up but they might ease his mind. My mom, who is hardcore Catholic, just finished "Thank God Ahead of Time" and she enjoyed it. 

Thank you! 

We are currently listening to “Alienated America: Why some places thrive and others collapse” by Timothy P. Carney. 

he’s a moderate conservative and he has some great insights backed up with examples. He follows the same patterns of spiral dynamics without using spiral dynamics. 

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