
Finally Caught A Glimpse.

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Hi all , I'm new here, and it's very cool that 'I' found this place online.

I had my first glimpse of enlightenment yesterday. Geez, you can't 'unsee' it can you?

Ego has crept back in and is doing it's marvelous job of maintaining the illusion, but it's a bit like watching a magician's trick again after the way it was done was explained to you, or you peeked 'round the curtain, or behind the mirror.

I was very emotional last night, all overwhelmed, tears of joy! Today as well, even though ego resurrected itself without much effort too. Isn't that strange?

Oh what a beginning! Oh, this is going to be fun. 

Learning to meditate effectively and 'see' with less and less effort, I think is going to bring more 'wow' factor to this newly awakened being. Which of course just propels true joy and recognition and the actualization journey.

Holy crap.

Thank you very very much to Leo, and to anyone else trying to share enlightenment and awakening.


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Good to hear and thanks for sharing. Bit of a life changer eh? I haven' t put any effort into meditation yet, but it's next for me. 

 I had done a bunch of research, purely out of curiosity. Maybe 3 months of internet research and lectures and learning. Simply curious, maybe fairly frustrated with life, but a healthy, fun curiosity got me from barely being able to grasp non-duality to actually taking in and 'getting' (for the most part) Quantum theories from all the best physicists; entanglement, string theory and especially unified field theory. 'Getting' quantum theory and having that lead to understnding what the Unified Field theorists were discovering lately and reporting, brought me a mini-aha! moment. Realizing about a fundamental intelligence to the UNIVERSE, including  attributing Platonic values to this life-force.... being pointed to by most of the top minds of the world....  That was good. I thought I had 'hit it', that thing I was looking for that I didn't know I was looking for all my adult life. 

 Whew, so 'newly knowledged' me then finds Leo.

I watch maybe 10 - 15 videos and LOVE this guy. Then...

I get into the Spiritual Enlightenment videos. About a half hour into Part 2, he talks, I listen, and suddenly I see. WTF! It seems like I more than saw. Maybe, MAYBE for one second, within that same 'Seeing' second, I got to 'BE'. Like the real kind of 'BE'! 'I' WAS THE UNITY FIELD CLEARLY FOR ONE SECOND! 

(Or God, or the universe or whatever label you choose.)    I'm 53. Boy, that took a while.



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OK, correction... I was able to 'Notice For One Second' that there was no 'I' and realize what 'my' nature really was. I was always this of course, and never me!

(Insert Keanu Reeves letting out an extended 'whoooah! here.)

Edited by FirstglimpseOMG

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Hi Leo guys and girls,about two moths ago i decided to do a mindfulness course,ive been into midfulness for about a year,part of the course was meditation.The first meditation i learnt was the body scan,then the sitting meditation and then a couple of others and then i went on to the silent meditation and on the third day of trying this the most strange and beautiful thing happened to me.I was about twenty minutes in when all of a sudden i started seeing bright lights in my head where the outside of these images were brighter than the core,then i felt like i had moulded into the chair i was sitting ,then my feet felt like they were connected to the floor and melting into it,then i became the room and everything inside it ,then outside into the woods too,also i had a warm feeling go through my body and i remember smiling to myself,the feeling i had was of complete pleasure  and contentment like ive never felt before,then Leos face came into my mind  when he says  ",oh Leo now i know what your on about,"i will be meditating for the rest of my life, thats for sure,anyone else had an experience similar to this,you will know when it happens as there is no other feeling like it,not had it again since but i will be forever grateful for this experience,thanks for being part of it Leo,your a diamond geezer as they say in England.p.s.the whole thing only seemed to last for at a guess between 10 and 20 seconds.

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21 hours ago, FirstglimpseOMG said:

Geez, you can't 'unsee' it can you?

Ego has crept back in and is doing it's marvelous job of maintaining the illusion, but it's a bit like watching a magician's trick again after the way it was done was explained to you, or you peeked 'round the curtain, or behind the mirror.

Great analogy, cheers to you.

The first time I got a glimpse was very cool. The first time I saw that my thoughts just arise and go as they please and I don't consciously bring them into being and let them die was fucking mind-blowing.

The first time this "magician's trick" stayed and wasn't temporary I took a walk and I looked at the trees, the bottom, I breathed, I saw how this moment spontaneously creates itself and how my experience arises and goes every few moments ... it fucking brought me to tears.

The first time I sat in a train and heard a baby cry and felt all of existence just in it - pouring out of it - well ... I just smiled. Keep on, don't push your ego/shadow/unconscious away but make peace with it. Then it'll allow this peace to transcend through you 'till there is nothing left.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Arik I'm so jealous! I've been meditating and haven't had any enlightenment experiences yet. But anyways that sounds so amazing to be in such awe of your surroundings, especially on public transport which usually nobody usually feels any sense of momentous joy.

I feel super inspired by your experience and one day hopefully I could somehow get to that point :) 

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Oh man, keep up with the meditation. If you are following Leo I wouldn't be remiss in suggesting you watch the Enlightenment Intro, and Enlightenment part one and two videos. Back to back if you can. When you get about 30 minutes into part two, he was hammering on the 'there is no you, there is no self. He does this 'You' (pointing at you) thing... 'Yes, you, nod your head, that's right, say your name, ok. YOU don't exist! There is no self!'  Well, when you get it you get it because you experience it, and it does something to your ego that it's never experienced before. The illusion of self fractures for real, and if only for an instant, it's bigger and badder than any matrix shit.

Hey Arik, yeah the tears of pure joy and bliss, especially upon initial seeing and early in your journey, nothing like that eh?

'I' wish it for you, WhatAmI, stay with Leo on Enlightenment, look up 'John Hagelin, what is consiousness? Part 1 & 2 & 3. Try some Stuart Hameroff lectures and interviews on YouTube as well. Brian Greene lectures on quantum theories as well. Have a little mind melting fun with Quantum mechanics explanations on YouTube, current ones by the top minds and physicists in the world. Try to wrap your head around the two-slit experiments (many explanations on Youtube), Entanglement (Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance), String and super-string theory, Probability wave collapse and consciousness and 'thoughts', and ultimately the Unified field theory stuff. (Done very well by John Hagelin in those vids I listed.) Have some fun with that, it was big fun trying to unpack all this science for me and I got to grade 10. It's do-able with an open mind and some repetition of the videos. Yeah, long stuff but trust me.

  THEN! Try Leo's enlightenment videos, the intro and pt. 1 and 2. again. AND! Keep up with the meditation, especially, I think, the self inquiry type, the Who am I, who's really thinking these thoughts stuff. Oh man, have fun. It's going to fuck you up 1000 times better than the best way imaginable when it hits you and you see, feel, and even if for a second, 'Be' nature, for the first time. 

Thanks for listening, I hope I'm on the right track trying to give a little nudge or hint, or point to great info and learning to further your journey.



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11 hours ago, FirstglimpseOMG said:

Oh man, keep up with the meditation. If you are following Leo I wouldn't be remiss in suggesting you watch the Enlightenment Intro, and Enlightenment part one and two videos. Back to back if you can. When you get about 30 minutes into part two, he was hammering on the 'there is no you, there is no self. He does this 'You' (pointing at you) thing... 'Yes, you, nod your head, that's right, say your name, ok. YOU don't exist! There is no self!'  Well, when you get it you get it because you experience it, and it does something to your ego that it's never experienced before. The illusion of self fractures for real, and if only for an instant, it's bigger and badder than any matrix shit.

@FirstglimpseOMG Same here! I never experienced anything like that until I let it all go, than everything changed. It shown me something that I only understood on an intellectual level but never experienced directly. That's a day I'll never forget. I see now that you could do all kinds of meditation practices, and possibly for years and not get very far. But when you apply the all important total surrender of self, that's when things really start to happen.

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@cetus56 I was very,very,lucky - in that I started to grasp it as it was hammered into my brain by someone with Leo's charisma and integrity. When you realize that what you are seeing in his eyes in those videos is Truth (Along with all the joy that it looks like he manages to turn into a calm 'hum of bliss') He's vibrating like a mofo but he's fine-tuned it and then must just draw from it. What power. (I want to work towards that.) Now, I studied all the current science of it out of an innate curiousity, managed to figure out the surfacy stuff of current Quantum Theories, just trying to understand all the paradoxes of the quantum world. Right now these top physicists of the world are explaining the universe so very convincingly through Quantum experiments, mathematics and theories... Well, when science starts to dovetail with that gnawing spiritual quest - naturally and Truthfully avoiding religion and philosophy, I'm hooked.  ....Anyway, regarding the illusion of self just 'popping', once that Truth has been articulated to you effectively, repeatedly and maybe even from different angles (still avoiding religion or philosophy), and combined with that 'Aha!' moment of EXPERIENCING that Truth, whether through calming the mind down enough to just 'See it and BE it, even if only for fleeting moments....  Epic in the true sense of the word. Man, I am a little thankful for ego, last few days, it's filtered back in somewhat smoothly and I feel as if I've let it to some degree ... in order to just try and get some day to day shit done. You're simply never the same though, eh? Irrevocably, permanently changed.  First big noticeable symptom, besides awe and tears and awe and 'holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck' is that I'm calmer. I don't think I'm calmer, I'm just calmer. My days are just automatically a bit smoother by default. 

Wow, what a way to realize that turning that Aha! moment into more than a moment, turning it into a near-constant experiencing of that Aha! moment, is so worth working for through self-actualization efforts. Man, if you hit on the 'no self' thing in your mind, and then experience the Truth of it, the ego/mind dissolving for those fleeting moments so you recognize that you are unity...?

Well, imagine if you were vibing on life so vividly and in the moment that you had to dumb down that constant bliss of Awareness of your True Nature in order to get some regular, day to day stuff done.

I don't think much could stop you in this reality if you worked for and reached, accessed and harnessed and focused that kind of energy and love. Hooboy, I have a lot of meditating to do.


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Sometimes I felt like I had a glimpse. But I'm not really 100% sure. I know one time I truly tried to imagine life going on without "me" in it and I had a weird spacey moment for a second or two and it felt like "I" wasn't there. But it was literally a glimpse. 

The other day I was suffering something fierce. Between being a bit hung over and going into work early, combined with a lot of emotional issues I was dealing with, I was having a tough day. I have felt stuck inside my head for awhile now. It got to the point where the thoughts and anxiety were hurting my head so much that I had no choice but to be present and turn my mind off. For a little while there I felt peace, but I'm not sure if that was a real glimpse either... 

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10 hours ago, Cuzzo said:

I had a weird spacey moment for a second or two and it felt like "I" wasn't there.

@Cuzzo It sounds as if you had a taste of no ego self. You tasted truth. Could you surrender to that the next time it happens? Could you let go and put all trust in something much greater than self?   "The day I jumped off was the day I touched down" Alanis Morissette

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9 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@Cuzzo It sounds as if you had a taste of no ego self. You tasted truth. Could you surrender to that the next time it happens? Could you let go and put all trust in something much greater than self?   "The day I jumped off was the day I touched down" Alanis Morissette

Tbh I have such a history of over thinking and my thoughts running wild, it would be hard to surrender to it. During that split second of what could possibly be no self came a wave of thoughts after it. "What just happened?" "was that something profound or did I just really want it to be something profound?" etc etc.

I may need to work on my mind a bit more before I have the choice to surrender. 

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@Cuzzo Yea, the mind suddenly jumps in and asks , "what the hell was that?". Been there many times before. That's all part of the territory. After a while you can learn to override the mind and just let it happen. One thought and your back to being "you" again. It will loosen up with practice. Keep at it! :)

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