
Question for Chronic Fatigue

12 posts in this topic

Hey Leo, I also suffer from chronic fatigue. Is there anything you have found up to now that helps?

What I have found out is that environmental heat is a huge factor. My chronic fatigue during the winter is nothing close to how it is in the summer.


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I do suffer from it and from my research and experiments I learned:

1. Beliefs play a crucial role in how we feel, chronic fatigue usually comes from low self-esteem and living in fearful states. Alexander Lowen talks about this indirectly in his books. I highly recommend you to research bioenergetics and learn to untangle this fatigue patterns. Start with the book "Fear of Life" and "the denial of the body", both by Alexander Lowen. Also, see: 


Great videos. Your body and mind are 100% connected and close in a feedback loop. If you stay laying down all day, the body and mind will want more of it, and if you get used to exercising, your body-mind also gets used to it and asks for more. 

At some points in my life I had a few jobs where I had to be standing up and walking for 8+ hours. At first, I thought I wasn't capable of it but when I HAD to do it, I found that I had way more strength and energy that I previously thought.

2. Negative thought loops, decision fatigue and personality fatigue (not being your self) all deplete our energy way more than we like to think. Here is a book that talks about it: Poise And Power

Be extremely aware of your thought pattern. Envision yourself constantly full of energy and enthusiasm but with poise and power (not that jumpy jittery weak kind of energy). 

The mind can heal ANYTHING. 

3. Raw foods diet, sunlight, nature, pure water. Don't put anything in your skin that you wouldn't put in your mouth, that included industrialized soaps, shampoos, medicines, etc. Avoid coffee and stimulants.

4. Work on your first, second, and third chakras. They affect your adrenal glands that it is probably shut down right now. Most people live in a constant state of tension and fear, secreting adrenaline and cortisol all day and causing adrenal fatigue. 



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Have you tested the house for mold? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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When i eat a lot of sugar or white flour my breathing becomes shallow and i fing myself gasping for air while doing nothing. So my energy drops when i cant get enough air. Plus when its hot i have trouble sleeping and air feels denser.

When i eat healthy all those things disappear. Sugar feeds something that blocks sinuses cant remember exactly what but for sure cut out all white flour and sugar and you will see a big difference. 

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@Vagos  tell us a bit more about your diet , lifestyle, sleep and exercise regime. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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Thanks everyone so far for answering. I will definitely try some of the things you suggested.
@Michael569  My diet is probably healthier than 99% of the population. I eat 0 sugar, 0 trans fats, 0 white flour, I eat a lot of non-fatty protein rich foods like chicken and fish, nuts, dairy, eggs, I also eat vegetables, I would say half of all the foods I eat are organic. I don't smoke and I have maybe 1-2 beers per month. My lifestyle I would describe as mostly stationary although there are some days when I walk for a good couple of hours. I mostly walk everywhere I need to go that is less than maybe 20-25 minute walk distance. My body is rather athletic but I can not say I exercise much, maybe 1 hour per week total. If I exercise more than 10 minutes straight I feel exhausted. I also had all the suitable medical tests, stress tests, heart screens, blood screens, some of them multiple times, all came out 100% clear. I get a lot of sleep in terms of time but often it is not good quality. It's like I am always a little half awake, except when I sleep after having been awake for like more than 25 hours straight, that's when my sleep gets deeper. But even though that sounds like a very important factor my intuition tells me that this is not the problem, because my sleep is the same in the winter, but in the winter I don't feel nowhere close to the exhaustion I'm feeling in the summer, and I feel that happens year in and year out. I'm drinking more water, I have the a/c on almost all day but still... Summer is such an energy vampire...

Edited by Vagos

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@Vagos based on the above it seems like you got the basics covered but it is really hard to say without deeper investigations and looking at all the test you've had done. 

Have you heard about It is a tracking software. I'd encourage you to try it for 3-4 days and put in 100% of all foods you eat every day. This way you can assess if you are missing any key nutrients. May also be down to lipid profile imbalance. 

Happy to have a chat about it. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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1 hour ago, Vagos said:

Thanks everyone so far for answering. I will definitely try some of the things you suggested.
@Michael569  My diet is probably healthier than 99% of the population. I eat 0 sugar, 0 trans fats, 0 white flour, I eat a lot of non-fatty protein rich foods like chicken and fish, nuts, dairy, eggs, I also eat vegetables, I would say half of all the foods I eat are organic. I don't smoke and I have maybe 1-2 beers per month. My lifestyle I would describe as mostly stationary although there are some days when I walk for a good couple of hours. I mostly walk everywhere I need to go that is less than maybe 20-25 minute walk distance. My body is rather athletic but I can not say I exercise much, maybe 1 hour per week total. If I exercise more than 10 minutes straight I feel exhausted. I also had all the suitable medical tests, stress tests, heart screens, blood screens, some of them multiple times, all came out 100% clear. I get a lot of sleep in terms of time but often it is not good quality. It's like I am always a little half awake, except when I sleep after having been awake for like more than 25 hours straight, that's when my sleep gets deeper. But even though that sounds like a very important factor my intuition tells me that this is not the problem, because my sleep is the same in the winter, but in the winter I don't feel nowhere close to the exhaustion I'm feeling in the summer, and I feel that happens year in and year out. I'm drinking more water, I have the a/c on almost all day but still... Summer is such an energy vampire...

Try exercising 3-5h per week and cutting out intake of fish (it might contain various heavy metal chemicals depending on the type of fish).

It sounds that sleep definitely could be a big culprit in your situation. Ever tried having consistent schedule?

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Do you drink coffee or take any supplement/psychoactive substance daily?

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@Michael569 No I did not know about this site, I will check it out and see what it has to diagnose in terms of nutrient deficiencies.

@Espaim I haven't drunk coffee in years. Haven't used psychedelics in years. I am taking a small dose of an ssri (zoloft 50mg) daily but I do not think that this is in any way connected as I was suffering from fatigue long before I started taking it.

Again I would speculate that there is something to do with heat even though other than drinking more water and eating some more salt and an extra daily banana for electrolytes I do not see in what other way I could battle this.

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@Vagos Heat = mold activity, a possibility... in general take a variation of tests, hair mineral analysis, mold tests... - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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