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Mississippi is removing confederate emblem from state flag

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Even conservatives seem to be growing a Green consciousness these days. Yes, it's still obviously very undeveloped and tempered by a lock of Blue nationalism and racialism, but I feel like just over the last few months a lot of Blue people have really had to wrestle with just how unjust US society and history has been.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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This is a big deal. This move required a 2/3 majority vote in a deep southern state dominated by conservative Republicans.

I also like how Beau frames Trump as a security stress test. Similar to how a company would hire an independent entity to be an opposition force to attack and stress test their security - to reveal underlying weaknesses. Similarly, Trump is stress testing the U.S. government and social structures which is revealing underlying weaknesses. It could actually make strengthen U.S. structures and ironically “Make America Great”. Just not how Trump envisions “Great”.

The mainstream conservative republican position is becoming to remove confederate symbols. That is a huge shift.


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