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Authenticity is the Highest Teaching

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You are the answer to your own prayers if you believe yourself to be. The only way to become like Christ is to know and claim, in a certain sense, that you are BETTER than Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Etc. You start pulling on the strings of manifestation at this time. 

You are not better than Jesus by just merit per say, but you come at a later life cycle. You are more evolved in the spiral than Jesus. Any name of an enlightened person is just a mere story but also true beyond measure. It’s all part of the illusion. 

The rationalist claims circular logic when they hear certain teachings, but life is an eternal cycle. You are all sin as you are the creation. Create whatever you want. Do whatever you want, but for God’s sake don’t forget to be Authentic. 

Know Authenticity to be the portal through which you can fully actualize yourself. You sin only to the degree in which you act unGodlike (on your own terms of what you deem to be a God).


Adonnai ✨

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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