Someone here

everything explained by the buddha in few words

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 according to Gautama Buddha ..what is going on is basically that the unmanifest is only appearing as the manifest . or the unlimited appearing as the limited . 

  water stays water even when it is iced or steamed . 

"form is emptiness. emptiness is form. they are one ." -  heart sutra. 

 "he who seeks nirvana ( the unmanifest) is a fool. he who seeks samsara (earthly life or the manifest) is also a fool. nirvana is samsara and samsara is nirvana" -diamond sutra.    

Edited by Someone here

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 @Someone here  nice share :) although from my (limited) knowledge, these Mahayana sutras are later than Gautama Buddha's time, it doesn't really matter, their authors were realised beings too. I'm booked onto futurelearn's course on the Diamond Sutra and Zen meditation starting in July, hopefully I'll learn some more about this. 

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The divine appearing as the ordinary.

Don't seek the ordinary (success, money, sex w/e).

Don't seek the divine.

See that the two is one. Life itself is Heaven. Only you don't see it, cos you don't want to. 

Form is emptiness. Only you don't see it, cos you don't want to.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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8 minutes ago, traveler said:

fucking unbelievable, beautiful ❤

A leaf showed me God ??❤️

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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