Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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Most of the extreme music scene is deep stage red.

Edited by Hap E-Boi

Often overlooked causes of spiritual regression are exposure to free glutamate and EMF's. For me personally the REID program has helped me a lot, but everyone walks their own path and what has a profound impact for one person might be negligible for another.

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"Healthy" Red ?


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Alright everyone, I've decided to upload on her some animated series examples of this stage. The first set of animated characters that I've posted below are all from the Dragon Ball series. All of these extremely popular characters are undoubtedly stage red, especially those from the Saiyan race, the Warrior-type Namekians, those from Frieza's race and Frieza's henchmen, the Ginyu Force, Androids, the Buu race, the shadow dragons from GT, Demons, most Gods of Destruction, many Shinjin including some Supreme Kais, Angels, etc. 

The Saiyans are like the Spartan race on steroids. Not only do they all live and die for the glory of battle. They always LOVE fighting whoever, especially those who they deem to be worthy opponents. Furthermore, the evil saiyans are so sadistic that they love torturing their opponents, making innocent people suffer, and watching them die before their very eyes. Back when Vegeta was evil, he took pleasure in killing his own long-time Saiyan comrade, Nappa when Nappa lost terribly to Goku:

Broly particularly at or near full power has limitless bloodlust: 


The half-Earthling/half-Saiyans hybrids don't have as much thirst for battle as the full-blooded saiyans do, but they get into much more of a mood for battle when they are in their super saiyan forms or if they are absolutely pressured to fight for their families and for the protection of the world. Also, these hybrids have a markedly greater latent power than the full-blooded Saiyans do:


The warrior-type Namekians are almost as passionate about combat as the full-blooded Saiyans are. Even they are all extremely intelligent, some of them became so power hungry, insane, and evil to the point of wanting to take over worlds and rule without having any established law and order:


Members of the Frieza race, especially Frieza himself are incredibly evil megalomaniacs who haven't just taken a few planets. They have conquered solar systems and galaxies. In fact, the Frieza empire has ruled over most of the universe. Furthermore, while they are very lazy when it comes to training and they usually prefer to let their underlings do all of the dirty work for them, they actually enjoy fighting from time to time and have respect for some top tier warriors like the Ginyu Force who would be of great use for their empire. However, they do get extremely paranoid and scared about certain individuals or races who have the potential to overpower them, like the Saiyans. That's one of the main reasons why Frieza brought the entire Saiyan race to near extinction by ultimately killing almost all of them himself. Plus, all members of the Frieza race are even much more sadistic than even the most evil of saiyans. Not only do they have zero empathy or compassion for anyone even amongst those within their family, but also the level of torture they inflict on others is the most twisted and demonic kind ever witnessed, especially towards those who betrayed them. In addition, ever since the Resurrection F saga, the Frieza race, especially Frieza himself got retconned by making them ridiculously OP. The change they made was that Frieza never really trained a single day in his entire life and was born a mutant prodigy with such exceptional latent power. Later on, the writers mentioned that Frieza's brother Cooler and their father King Cold where also born mutants from their own race. Frieza, Cooler, and Cold all were all born with freaky nightmarish potential. After Frieza finally trained seriously for only 4 months, his power level jumped to that of a god, while it took Goku and Vegeta literally a lifetime of incredibly hard training and fighting of repeated battles reach the level of godhood themselves. It then only took several months of more mental training in hell for Frieza, without being to move his body perpetually, to finally perfect his godly form to the point of being many times stronger than it was before and actually becoming much more efficient and practical to use in any battle:


Edited by Hardkill

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The androids in the dragon ball series have been unusually powerful compared to most mortals and have been capable of being completely cold-blooded killing machines:

General overview of all of Red Ribbon Army Androids


All of the Buus or from their own race, which is called Majin, are or were some of most most dangerous opponents the Z warriors ever fought against, particularly all the evil Buu versions in their own ways. They appeared in the series right after the completing of the Android Saga and each one of these super Gumby-like warriors were all much more powerful than even Cell, who canon-wise became the very strongest android Dr. Gero ever created by the end of the entire Android Saga. These pink-colored freaks can literally shape-shift into anything they desire to be and they each have the magical ability to turn anyone into any kind of candy, sweet, or desert they desire. Also, like Cell, but in their own unique way, they can absorb other warriors or people to enhance themselves to varying degrees and in various ways. Additionally, they all, especially the evil ones, relish destroying all kinds of terrains, planets, various races of mortals, etc. :


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TITLE: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - 2008 (Türkçe Alt Yazılı Belgesel Film) - HD 720p

A tragic story that shows how a toxic stage red person can abuse a stage orange/stage green legal system 


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So powerful! xD

Every time I'm at the gym and about to do a heavy set, I imagine that I'm Eric Bugenhagen and it makes me 50% stronger :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just posting my favourite slipknot/metal songs, spiral dynamics is bullshit anyway

"Before I forget" now this one actually has some interesting, almost non-dual lyrics. 

Psychosocial, the song speaks for itself when you listen to it. All those songs do. 



I would post more, but I don't want to give an overload where no one listens. So listen! 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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"To Your Eternity" A Immortal Being Who was sent to earth to gain experienced was Dropped into a stage Red Island Prison. After he gained values from a Loving Family   for 5 years & he want to  try & understand why these people live the horrible way they do


Pretty much first world Green & orange Telling 3rd world stage red that killing is wrong & to just be good People when drinking cows Blood  is a meal



Edited by Ozy

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TITLE: Hostile Uber driver refuses to take me to ER


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vMEME Red plot twist in the Invincible series


Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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