Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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Amazingly put together of a documentary:


Edited by StarStruck

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Logano wrecked Busch. So Busch decides to punch him in the face and a big brawl happens. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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The Athenians offer the Melians an ultimatum: surrender and pay tribute to Athens, or be destroyed. The Athenians do not wish to waste time arguing over the morality of the situation, because in practice might makes right—or, in their own words, "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must".

The Melians argue that they are a neutral city and not an enemy, so Athens has no need to conquer them. The Athenians counter that if they accept Melos' neutrality and independence, they would look weak: Their subjects would think that they left Melos alone because they were not strong enough to conquer it.

The Melians argue that an invasion will alarm the other neutral Greek states, who will become hostile to Athens for fear of being invaded themselves. The Athenians counter that the other Greek states on the mainland are unlikely to act this way, because they are free and independent and thus loath to take up arms against Athens. What worries Athens is potential rebellions in its empire from disgruntled peoples they have already conquered. Conquering Melos will demonstrate Athens' strength and discourage rebellions.

The Melians argue that it would be shameful and cowardly of them to submit without a fight. The Athenians counter that it is only shameful to submit to an opponent whom one has a reasonable chance of defeating. There is no shame in submitting to an overwhelmingly superior opponent like Athens.


For anyone interested, Dannielle Daniele Bolelli did an excellent podcast about this very topic some time back


history on fire.png

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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7 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

How does anyone listen to this “”””””music””””””

Bro you gotta drop your elitist attitude lol. That is what is truly Red here xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

How does anyone listen to this “”””””music””””””

Tickles the Red fancy lurking inside us. :D

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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12 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:


There's too many.??

Edited by Opo

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This is a public post from the Mayor of Colorado City, Texas, in response to residents of his town being without electricity and water after a Winter Storm that shut down parts of the state.

(The Mayor resigned a short time after posting this).


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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Havent seen it yet, but it looks very interesting but also very disturbing to me.


The "devil" becomes a little conssious of his unconissous behaivour. Karma in a nutshell. He dont get tortured like his victims, but he gets torturet with the consioussnes of the suffering he has created, now he becomes aware of that suffering but he knows, he cant make his actions undone. 

Edited by eliasvelez

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