Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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14 hours ago, Finax said:

Owning a house and getting married at 21 was very normal in the USA in the 1950’s.

We are talking about 2000's

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This is a 2 part documentary about witch trials in 17th century England.

The second one in particular is a very good example of vMEME RED/blue. Witch shows how red uses vMEME Blue values and struture in order to justify his self-bias and hatred towards other groups of people. 

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5 hours ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

Here's orange's solution to supply market demand of red's aggression.


I think GTA V suits best to what you're proposing

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Bud Spencer & Terence Hill Fight, fight, fight....

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Oh boyo I am filled with tatoos in this style. Stage red prime example. 

Well was dealing with mafia what is to be expected + my youth. 

Thank goodness now I am stage blue. 

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@Bernardo Carleial

4 hours ago, Bernardo Carleial said:

I think GTA V suits best to what you're proposing

Nah, it doesn't have to be completely inappropriate to be Red.  Halo is there to satisfy the same thing GTA does. 

In fact, heroes and villains are both stage red.  Leo is still mostly in stage green though so he primarily focuses on negative aspects of the warm colors.  It would be like if someone ranted for 3 hours on how stage Green is mostly about being a naive pussy.  It's biased.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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Very talented musicians. 


Stage Blue reaction to Stage Red.

You can call this red, but in my opinion, these are very talented musicians, I was listening to gangsta a rap when I was 13, (now I don’t listen to any music at all):But this was one of my favorites. 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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I'm gonna repost this on here. I accidentally posted it in the stage blue mega thread so I hid those posts.


Josef Mengele is the first person that comes to my mind when we're talking about a stage red person who isn't at the top of the hierarchy of their organization. "Angel of Death" by Slayer is a song based on Josef Mengele.

Metalocalypse is a pretty stage red world.


The link talks about Varg Vikernes burning churches. I think Mayhem (black metal band) in general had stage red people in it. Hellhamer and Euronymous I think also attempted church burnings.

Then there's Dead who's an interesting and dangerous guy.

I know Dead doesn't do the vocals on this. I put this here because I was messing around with music to see if a chakra reacts. Well my root chakra reacted. I had chills of how well this worked on my root chakra. I think a lot of aggressive music does that doesn't it? I don't know which chakra is most correlated with red. I'm guessing it's one of the lower three chakras. I got the idea because Teal Swan said rap music worked really well on the root chakra. I wondered how other genres interacted with the chakras.

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Jake Paul comes off quite red and a bit sociopathic if you've watched his videos.

Logan Paul (his brother) actually seems quite warm hearted and has grown a lot after his whole controversy in Japan. Logan is orange/green now

I think there is a biological aspect to some of modern stage red people. Whereas a long time ago this biological trait of being sociopathic was beneficial and allowed for survival more easily and thus society followed because these people became rulers... today it is largely relegated and contained and people at different stages tend to rise to power due to the way the system is set up now. I think for some others it is their environment. A large bit of it could be trauma and emotional neglect. Maybe Jake felt less loved than Logan as a child? How else do you explain two brothers at different stages though?

Edited by Lyubov

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                                               Red Level of Consciousness

I thought this would be a good way to share this resource which I refer to fairly often

What the different enneatypes look like at stage Red

Red Level of Consciousness

Type One: The Judge/The Vindicator. Type One, the Judge, at this stage of
evolution is the Vindicator, concerned with black or white, right or wrong,
justice or injustice as proscribed by their own internal values. At this level the
Vindicator manages to maintain a predatory position held in place by a belief
structure that says those who criticize, question or doubt my authority or power,
deserve to die (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Two: The Provider/The Profane Prostitute. Type Two, the Provider, at this
level performs as the Profane Prostitute and controls through indispensability,
operating from either a position of power or as the liaison to the power gods
or as the lieutenant in the gang. The Profane Prostitute is not about sex, but is
about offering self to obtain a position of power. At this level of consciousness,
power is obtained by being the liaison to power brokers, gang leaders or the gods.
The Profane Prostitute is represented in the masculine form by being the second
in command to the most powerful leader (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Three: The Doer/The Warrior. At this level, Type Three, the Doer,
shows up as the Warrior, ready to fight for whatever she believes will make her
successful and gain her recognition. She will not give up her freedom to meet
another’s expectations. At this level Type Three is likely to be in the perpetrator,
not the victim, role, because it is still imperative that she be viewed as the leader,
the one in control. The Doer at this level tends to move against others in an
effort to position herself on top. Her run for success is at all costs, because there
is no conscience to hold her back. Power brings acclaim (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Four: The Idealist/The Hysteric. Type Four, the Idealist, operates as the
Hysteric at this level of awareness from the position of being extremely rebellious
and “pissed off”. He finds himself more often in the role of victim than
perpetrator, because he is controlled by his emotions and sees things happening
to him, rather than taking responsibility for creating his own life. The Hysteric
allows his emotions to spontaneously run free, creating that fine line between
genius and insanity. The Hysteric either finds himself leading from a position of
passion or following from a position of suffering (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Five: The Sage/The Wizard. For Type 5, the Sage, or the Wizard at this
level, it is good to be close to the king but not the king. This allows for a position
of power from a safe distance. At this level, the Wizard maintains a foothold in
the previous level of consciousness and brings forth the elements of the magical
in a way that represents artful genius. From a Wizard platform, they maintain
a position of intellectual power and distance from the perpetrators. Depending
on their intellectual prowess they can either move into the perpetrator or prey
position (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Six: The Questioner/The Conniver. Type Six, the Questioner, is the
Conniver at the Red level. The Conniver has the ability to move into the phobic
prey space or the counterphobic perpetrator space. The paranoia is in full
swing with the mentality that “I’ll get them before they get me” and “better
you than me”. The phobic Conniver uses her intellectual faculties to move
towards those more powerful to be protected. The counterphobic moves into a
position of perpetrator, defending their hedonistic desires intellectually (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Seven: The Adventurer/The Addict. At this level, Type Seven, the
Adventurer, functions as the Addict. The Addict lives for today, indulging all
hedonistic sensual and sexual pleasures, because tomorrow may not come. For
the Addict, planning is engaged in day by day by day, having the most pleasure
possible each moment. The Addict soothes the pain by whatever means possible.
Type Seven at this level holds a position of power through the illusion of “smoke
and mirrors” (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Eight: The Defender/The Amazon/The War Lord. At this level of adult
psycho-social behavior, Type Eight, the Defender, is the perpetrator, excessively
controlling and dominating from a position of totality and fear as the Amazon
or War Lord. The Red Type Eight holds the “power” and provides protection to
those who bend totally to his/her will. The Eight operates as a protector for a
price. Since guilt is not present at this level of development, nothing reigns in
Type Eight’s insatiable proclivities for power and control (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Nine: The Moderator/The Imploder. At this stage of development, Type
Nine, the Moderator, is the Imploder and has a greater capacity for being in
touch with his own needs, rather than the needs of others, than at other levels in
the first tier. He is driven by the internalized or imploded anger that gives him
permission to indulge narcissistically in his own desires and pleasures. At this
level of development, the Nine’s desire to avoid conflict recedes, giving way to
a sense of power over others that is not dampened by guilt or conscience. The
imploding of anger is likely to move the Nine into a position of isolation (Ooten, Unpublished).

Taken from http://www.consciousdynamicsllc.com/home/levels_of_consciousness.html

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"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


LMAO I can see him getting his caddy to carry around a couple spare balls. Dude literally acts like an 8 year old boy that gets mad when losing at chess and will make two moves and lie straight to your face saying he only made one when you literally saw him make two. 

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The Postman is a great stage Red film. The villain is a well-done classic Red:


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Nothing more Red than tons of video game blood :D


Edited by Extreme Z7

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The Fallout universe, especially the original two games.

The whole appeal of the original two games as surviving in this desolate wasteland full of violence.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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