Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only person who can own their own house at 21 yo is a drug dealer.

13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Stage Red narcissists and sociopaths can be extremely charming.

Damn, it seems stage red devilry pays big time pig time. President, women, money.... give me a reason not to be red.

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2 hours ago, aahmed124 said:

Leo, would you say that redneck culture for the most part is stage red? 

Many rednecks are Blue.

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2 hours ago, dinone said:

What about pranks, we all like some good one. red vs blue ones :D


If I remember correctly, the phrase he puts at the end roughly translates to "By doing whatever we want, we become whoever we want".

Not sure if that's a Stage Red message, necessarily.

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7 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

Not today with the internet and all but 20 years ago, probably.

Owning a house and getting married at 21 was very normal in the USA in the 1950’s.

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Good example of a stage red person attracting a girl.


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Read the comments

Edited by Finax

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Spartacus is healthy red because he is a strong leader, and that is what his people need to stay alive in the environment they find themselves in. He lead his people out of slavery from the romans. 

The whole show is full of red, the romans are depicted as extremely unhealthy red.

Edited by Finax

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A Stage Red teaching non duality perhaps?


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1 hour ago, Finax said:


Stage Red Video Game character


Dick Marcinko was a real person. Rogue Warrior, which was an autobigraphy, was a New York Times bestseller. It spawned this video game. He's extremely funny.

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AVGN reviewing a stage red game. On that note, AVGN (the character) has aspects of stage red himself.

Angel Dust is pretty stage red. I'd say Hell in this series is stage red in general.


Idi Amin isn't as talked about as much as other dictators.

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15 hours ago, ConsciousOwl10 said:

This business guy on youtube is pretty psychopathic . In this vid he talks about his employment policy and how he convinces people to work for him unpaid to be his minion and how he will fire anyone who doesn't show up one time even if they would want to go their mothers funeral because they aren't committed to helping him make money 24-7. Even his friend next to him knows something is kinda fucked up about it. But I dunno, maybe I shouldn't judge? Watch from minute 3

damn this dude comes off hollow and psychopathic and completely void of any emotion...

and not the charming/fun psychopathic type like Leonardo Dicaprio in Wolf of Wallstreet... dude comes off creepy 

fine with workplace abuse and thinks business should be run like the mafia... yup creepy as f

Edited by Lyubov

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OJ Simpson:


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I feel like Viper the Rapper is a great example of some positive and negative traits of stage red. 

On the positive side, after he accidentally became a meme from his song "You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack" he just went the "any publicity is good publicity" route and started releasing 300 albums a year with even more ridicolus titles. (Google "Rapper Viper Album Covers" and never look back)

This gave him a bit of a following of people wanting to work with him and buy his music so he started selling features and albums. Except that it all was a scam and he charged insane prices for both and extremely rarely even sent anything in return for it.

Here's a great mini documentary of a guy signing up to work with him and what entails


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High school teens are predominantly in stage red. Albeit, controlled by blue, orange, and green social structures


Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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Here's orange's solution to supply market demand of red's aggression.


Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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Red tattoos:




You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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