Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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I found it to a pretty interesting video on Gaddafi. Here's another example of chaos caused by a dictator's fall. He was brutal, but helped the country with some things. He has a lot of red.

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"Before my time is done, I will look down on your corpse, and smile." -- Achilies



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Don't insult Red's daughter:


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@Leo Gura I thought you said somewhere rappers are orange?

What's the difference between orange showing off and red showing off?


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4 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:

@Leo Gura I thought you said somewhere rappers are orange?

What's the difference between orange showing off and red showing off?


Scale, intensity, and reasoning.

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16 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:

@Leo Gura I thought you said somewhere rappers are orange?

What's the difference between orange showing off and red showing off?

I don't know where I said that. Rappers are clearly celebrating Red culture.

Red showing off is often cheesy, tacky, gaudy, classless, over-the-top, obnoxious.

Orange might show of his shiny Mercedes sports car. Red will put fake diamonds and gold trim on it.

It's obvious that Red is overcompensating. Red is a poor person's idea of what wealthy people do with their money.

Orange wealthy people invest their money is sound investments. Red wealthy people waste their money on extravagant nonsense and soon end up broke. Look at Mike Tyson. His fights earned him tens of millions yet now he's broke because he pissed all the money away. An Orange person would have invested that 10 million to earn 100 million by now.

Red pisses away money because they don't have self-discipline, impulse control, or strategic planning.

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@Leo Gura I'm not sure if you've seen the sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but there's a main character there named Dennis that I realized fits Stage Red perfectly after watching your video.


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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know where I said that. Rappers are clearly celebrating Red culture.


On 2/1/2020 at 11:20 AM, Leo Gura said:

A lot of rap is also stage Orange, so it's not quite as bad as you think.

But yes, rap originates out of black hoods, which tend to have a lot of Red going on. Rap is a coping mechanism for dealing with the toxicity of Red. Would you rather have teens listening to rap or robbing 7-Elevens?


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4 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:

A lot of rap is also stage Orange


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Red pisses away money because they don't have self-discipline, impulse control, or strategic planning.

Yes. But this makes absolute sense, since the core value of red is power and domination, and not wealth. Wealth is a core orange value, that's why this stage is the best at exploiting the economy for profits. Red has lost its hystorical meaning since we are way past the classic antiquity, and have several industrial revolutions on our shoulders :) 

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A lot of media and entertainment is red inspired. I think as people we lived in red societies for such a long time that this animalistic way of being is a little bit encoded into our psyche. Nothing wrong with that. Its kinda cool how we have develoed so much that we can express our red sides through arts, entertainment and imagination instead of it being what's running the show and keeping humanity in the dark ages. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the thrills of Game of Thrones, the action in the new Doom video game or the ocassional pump up from the latest viral rap song. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Russian Roulette:


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This guy from Trainspotting is a classic:


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Yesterday, i have seen Leo's video on stage red. It made me wonder how trump became a stage red while living in a place like New York and basically coming from a rich family background.

Then i did some digging and came up with this documentary. Here is the trailer -

It is available on netflix. I have just started the first episode and started noticing some pattern which indicating the answer to my question. It starts from very young age of trump, when he was just about to start ihs business in NY. 

I am hopeful that  it will illuminate many insights to why trump has so many stage red qualities

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His father was a brutal, loveless stage Red guy and his mother didn't give Trump any love either. Thus creating the monster he has become.

There's nothing mysterious about it.

When parents don't give their children proper love, those children are very likely to get stuck in Red for much of their lives.

Child abuse is one of the most common causes of people getting stuck in Red in developed parts of the world. And there are many ways to abuse a child without physically hitting him.

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