Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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@modmyth I remember seeing a documentary on youtube about DCD and the influence of that Bulgarian choir was mentioned. If I remember correctly she had just began learning that technique and tested it out on  The Host of Seraphim and apparently they weren't happy with the result at first and almost scratched it from the album. Which is funny considering it is their most well known track.

I had never heard the choir before so thanks for sharing that! That was really good, I will check more of that out. The influence it had on Lisa is really obvious listening to it!

Haha, I have never heard his voice being described as a darkwave/goth-ish Frank Sinatra before but that is exactly what his voice sounds like! I could see him playing Frank in a slightly twisted darkened parallel universe kinda movie :D

Zappa is great! I was also the only weirdo being into that stuff as a teenager. Of course, you also take pride in standing out at that age so I used to love wearing the famous t-shirt image of him sitting on toilet taking a crap lol. He was such a gifted musician and so ahead of his time. And seeing old interviews with him on Letterman and whatnot he came across as really clever and good dude.

There is this guy on Youtube called Smalin that does visual representations of Bach (and others) music that I have been really into lately. There are a bunch of them now but he was the pioneer and started doing stuff like this in the 70's I believe. It's really interesting to see visually how he constructed his music.


Edited by Esoteric

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To me stage red and orange are in a way the same, with the same values with the same lies and manipulations to get in top of hierarchy, for power and success. What is the difference between them? 

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1 hour ago, Marianitozz said:

To me stage red and orange are in a way the same, with the same values with the same lies and manipulations to get in top of hierarchy, for power and success. What is the difference between them? 

There is a HUGE difference. Stage Orange is materialistic and hedonistic, but it is not ruthlessly violent, power-hungry, or impulsive. Orange is rational. Red is not.

Stage Orange is your typical bank CEO. Stage Red is a Tony Soprano or Joe Pesci from Casino. The bank CEO might manipulate within business to make some big money but he will not stab you in the throat in the process. Stage Red will.

You have to really appreciate the ruthlessness and impulsiveness of Red:

Orange people do not behave like that.

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Red seems to also be more open to mystical experience vs orange's rationalistic thinking. lil ze from city of god I remember went to go see a shaman. I think this opening to the mystical is the gateway to blue.

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Sam Jackson's character arc in Pulp Fiction is going from Red gangster to stage Blue man of God. It's a nicely realistic arc. Many gangsters do in fact get converted to the "good life" by discovering stage Blue religion and renouncing their stage Red devilish ways.


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15 hours ago, OBEler said:

Pure RED


Awesome example! Love it :D

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Playlist of rise and fall of all the evil dictators osama bin laden, joseph stalin, sadam hussein, hitler. 

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stage psychopath is probably closest to stage red... although...that’s in a sense super cliche and the toxic malfunction of what red can be in a less excessive form.  the notion that red and orange sometimes seem the same is not so far fetched as orange usually has tendencies in at least one of the other spiral colours. a choleric boss def has red tendencies, a narcissistic supermodel type orange pua probably, too. although people in green often try to deny their orange or even red tendencies and therefore have difficulties to discern between red and orange.

Edited by remember

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If you haven't seen the HBO mini-series House Of Saddam, you should go watch it now. It's one of the best things HBO has ever produced, and shows you how stage Red functions.

Here's a preview:

And here's the actual live tape of the event:

That's how unification of Purple happens under Red.


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1 hour ago, Raphael said:


I dont understand a single word of what he says, but i do think the rage against something he have is unhealthy is an understatement , what are a person able to do further with all this rage, are restricted gun laws we have in europe because this kind of behaviour. *joke :x

And now i will watch it again with translate and  try to understand wtf is happening.

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@DIDego I am from germany, this is just played. I know this guy. He made some funny videos

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you haven't seen the HBO mini-series House Of Saddam, you should go watch it now. It's one of the best things HBO has ever produced, and shows you how stage Red functions.

Here's a preview:

And here's the actual live tape of the event:

That's how unification of Purple happens under Red.


there is also a series called house of assad produced by the bbc, it comes in three parts. ofc cultural/political red often takes place in a purple-red background, it’s not just about direct aggression, it’s oftentimes the hierarchical structure and coaping mechanism, the way of escalating situations. people who inherit dynasties find themselves in a red power position from one day to the next, it’s not said that a bank ceo can’t be red or have red tendencies, a bank ceo could also be someone in blue, there are personality traits in the sense of introverted and behavioral traits in the sense of extroverted, which depend on the stage a person is interacting with. ofc a typical stage red person blossoms the most in a stage red empire, so they usually tend to create a surrounding that serves these needs, classically securing stage red structures for their successors/family/tribe as well - if their successors want that or not they then also tend to develop red behavior.

this is a pretty good summary of the mini series - although the comment about the syrian kurds is a ventriloquism of what erdogan says all the time - like i would say all turks are isis its a little too much to say all kurds are pkk, or erdogan said all germans are nazis (including the turkish-german population) this is just another discrimination and scapegoating game where people get confused between democratic movements and authoritarian developments.

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

@DIDego I am from germany, this is just played. I know this guy. He made some funny videos

How do you know that it was played?

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