Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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On 6/29/2020 at 1:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

By that logic you could also continue watching snuff films.

But in practice you will stop wanting to watch that shit.

Didn't you JUST release a video about drawing distinctions? That (+ the horror movie) comparison only shows that you don't understand metal as an distinct art form and how broad of an art form it is. Yes, there is a stage red way of playing, writing, listening and writing metal, but there is also a distinct intellectual and spiritual aspect to it that is not so easily understood by laymen: metal can be BOTH low and high consciousness music.

The biggest annual metal festival in Finland pretty much always wins the top spot for the least violent incidents and havoc, while another one, that you would probably also rate as stage red, (rap/hip-hop) wins the top spot for most incidents with drugs, alcohol and violence. Why is that the case if they are both red? 

Metal is clearly mostly blue if you actually study the music and people who listen to it, while rap is red. I dare you to walk in a dark forest in the middle of winter during the night, and listen some true black metal and tell me you don't connect to nature and God. At best metal is contemplative, value connecting and bond forming music that is both super fun and communal.

source: 15 years of listening, performing and writing various genres of music and metal


Edited by molosku

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@molosku Lol, you mean like black metal people burning down churches in Europe? Black metal seems pretty Orange or Red. 

Edited by AtheisticNonduality

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Did the guys commit the church torching (and various other crimes by people who are strongly associated in the black metal scene) in the name of black metal or Satan? What is the difference between black metal and satanic worship (or anti-christian acts of criminality if you want to see it that way)? I'm talking about metal purely from the perspective of art here, I couldn't possibly take responsibility for each of my fellow human manifestations who happen to wear a pantera shirt :D

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1 hour ago, molosku said:

Didn't you JUST release a video about drawing distinctions? That (+ the horror movie) comparison only shows that you don't understand metal as an distinct art form and how broad of an art form it is. Yes, there is a stage red way of playing, writing, listening and writing metal, but there is also a distinct intellectual and spiritual aspect to it that is not so easily understood by laymen: metal can be BOTH low and high consciousness music.

The biggest annual metal festival in Finland pretty much always wins the top spot for the least violent incidents and havoc, while another one, that you would probably also rate as stage red, (rap/hip-hop) wins the top spot for most incidents with drugs, alcohol and violence. Why is that the case if they are both red? 

Metal is clearly mostly blue if you actually study the music and people who listen to it, while rap is red. I dare you to walk in a dark forest in the middle of winter during the night, and listen some true black metal and tell me you don't connect to nature and God. At best metal is contemplative, value connecting and bond forming music that is both super fun and communal.

source: 15 years of listening, performing and writing various genres of music and metal


Well said. Metal as an art form is very broad. There is metal music that is very sophisticated with very high level of musicianship and artistic integrity.

Post-Metal is not brute force aggression it has a deep atmospheric element to it with long build ups and crescendos.

Death Metal is just over-the-top gore usually with an obvious comedic hint to it often. Much like the splatter film Brain Dead

Black Metal in all its subgenres does take itself very seriously usually and there are bands that are probably not that healthy to listen to. There are classical music you can say the same about. Shostakovich's first violin concerto has a demonic vibe to it. Just because you have distorted guitars doesn't make it demonic or aggressive by nature. There is metal that is happy as well. 

The people I know who are horror movie nerds and go see old classics every weekend are stage green vegans and probably the most non-aggressive people I have met in my life.

@Leo Gura I am surprised to hear you that talk so much about nuances and open-mindedness make such broad generalisations and label it as "lower art". It's like listening to Sadhguru talk about psychedelics. 

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57 minutes ago, Member said:

This is dark but not sure what color it is


Orange and Green can often have a lot of existential angst once they realize their limitations.

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I'm from Mexico and I can tell u that Mexican Cartels are a perfect example from SD Stage Red. I used to live in a city under the control of these cartels, they call these places narco-cities. 


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1 hour ago, modmyth said:

Music for a lot of people, including angry music, is more of a processing tool itself.

As I said above, of course it can be a tool in that way. If some angry, pissy kid wants to use heavy metal music to overcome his homicidal desire to shoot up a school full of children, excellent! That is a good trade. There is value in that.

But also consider that basically anything can be a processing tool, including violence and murder.

Torturing kittens might help a homicidal person to not commit homicide. But that doesn't mean torturing kittens is a high consciousness activity.

For example, when I was a kid, I liked to shoot animals with bee-bee guns. Killed some birds and things. Then one time I saw up close a bird that I fatally shot, but it wasn't dead yet. It was suffering. Seeing that made me feel so guilty that I stopped shooting animals from then on. So basically torturing animals made me a better more compassionate and conscious adult.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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one of the daughters in the video was able to transcend stage red and escape the church. she did a ted talk about why she left. 

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5 hours ago, modmyth said:

@Esoteric  post-metal is the shit. I have never been able to get into how seriously some people take the black metal genre, haha. Also, it's never been my cup of tea.

Yea, vibe is all-important. There is the "soul" of a specific work or whatever comes from a specific artist that transcends genre.

Yeah, post-metal is the metal genre I go to nowadays. Pelican, Russian Circles and Cult of Luna is high quality metal :)

I completely agree. There is low and high quality stuff in every genre. In classical, in jazz, in pop, in metal. It is more fair to put it it like that than saying a whole genre is a lower art-form. 

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Some of you are too attached to metal. 

UFC is a good example of Red.


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I think unhealthy stage red and social anxiety disorder have huge correlations.

Whenever I try to entertain deep metaphysical topics and contemplate them on my own, and then afterwards return to something that screams stage red, the part of me that's very scared of the world feels this deep congruency and 'yes'. Thoughts like: "this is how the world is, and I simply need to come out on top, and be safe" really feel true. It feels more 'right' than the higher spiral stuff, although I can intuit that there is more than just survival.

I don't know how to overcome that deep inner sense of feeling unsafe in the world. I've had that for a long time.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

For example, when I was a kid, I liked to shoot animals with bee-bee guns. Killed some birds and things. Then one time I saw up close a bird that I fatally shot, but it wasn't dead yet. It was suffering. Seeing that made me feel so guilty that I stopped shooting animals from then on. So basically torturing animals made me a better more compassionate and conscious adult.

Oh geez, I can relate to this just that I have been a lot worse. That was definitely a teaching but wonder why the heck some kids feel the need to torture animals? For me it was a form of punishment - for example, one time a cat wanted to eat a baby chicken and I thought that if I will beat the shit out of it will teach it a lesson. Never did it for fun but gosh... I had a huge satisfaction when punishing the poor animals :|

Btw, I remembered about this scene:


As for the heavy metal, don't you think that the Tibetan throat-singing sounds a bit like it? ?


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20 minutes ago, Member said:

As for the heavy metal, don't you think that the Tibetan throat-singing sounds a bit like it? ?


Lol, no! That singing is like a spiritual trance state. Like a mantra.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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