Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Red Examples Mega-Thread

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   When stage purple becomes stage red:


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   Possible stage blue individual view on a stage blue/red person's talking points. For context white guy reacting here is Texan, reacting to a South African, and South African politics actually, on that part of the world:

   Well, that's an example of ultra far right nationalism. Guess how many there are hidden in America's right wing? There you go. Also important context of history: The black panthers rised up in response to Jim Crow laws and mistreatment by racist whites, and they were actually a successful movement relative to the anti culture movement, in regards to community efforts and community policing. Then Nixon and his administration associated the heroine epidemic to the black panthers, and marijuana to the anti culture movement in order to justify mass arrests of them. Even before this the CIA and FBI infiltrated the Black panthers and used agents to cause disorder and coups and to break down their order from within. This context is for the NFAC group, the second group he's reacting to has a much larger history of dealing with whites on South Africa, and yes in this specific instance there were multiple genocides that happened in that area, quite challenging environment and climate ideal for more stage red groups to flourish, and yes they ended up not just kicking out most whites and genocided them in their area, but also even the Hindu Indians that migrated there and occupied niches in the markets and businesses in Africa. 

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   Perfect example of stage red, the Glasgow penny gangs:

   And most of the violence was driven mostly by religion, Catholics versus Protestants(stage blue), yet the exact motives of the violence was recreational.

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Question! Does this technically count as stage red?


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

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@Leo Gura How much does this count as “red” for ya?


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

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“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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