Kevin Dunlop

Why Isn't Leo Enlightened Yet? Any Helpful Ideas?

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Leo has done alot for us. Look at all he has offered us with the research, video production, organizing an internet forum, even responding with comments and requested videos, much of this he has done for free. In thanks to him for putting himself out there for us I want to ask each of you to give something back to him. Leo wants to be enlightened. He knows he is close. Why dont we focus on him for a few minutes instead of ourselves and try to give some real hardcore advice that might end up being the key to him achieving this goal. We all know that this would benefit all of us aswell. So take some time to do a quality job here, theres lots of videos and comments to analyze and I am sure he will be able to answer any deeper questions you may need to have answered in order to help. Good luck, everyone!

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The best thing we could do for him in that sense would be to be quiet, don't ask questions and let him go :)~

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2 hours ago, Kevin Dunlop said:

Leo has done alot for us. Look at all he has offered us with the research, video production, organizing an internet forum, even responding with comments and requested videos, much of this he has done for free. In thanks to him for putting himself out there for us I want to ask each of you to give something back to him. Leo wants to be enlightened. He knows he is close. Why dont we focus on him for a few minutes instead of ourselves and try to give some real hardcore advice that might end up being the key to him achieving this goal. We all know that this would benefit all of us aswell. So take some time to do a quality job here, theres lots of videos and comments to analyze and I am sure he will be able to answer any deeper questions you may need to have answered in order to help. Good luck, everyone!

Take what I say with a grain of salt because I don't know him and I'm not him. But if I had to guess from only watching his videos, I believe it's that Leo has subtle dogma that he's not yet conscious of, so he hasn't been able yet to fully let go. I believe that, deep down Leo holds an attachment to making his life significant as to not regret things on his death bed. He wants to avoid that and sees it as negative, so there's an attachment to what's good and bad in relation to his fear of regret.

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39 minutes ago, Abdul said:

@Emerald Wilkins

Maybe he's conscious of it. He's probably using it to build his ego and eventually transcend it when the time comes. I say march on!

Perhaps. It's why I said to take what I say with a grain of salt. I only see him in the context of his videos.

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11 hours ago, 99th_monkey said:

The best thing we could do for him in that sense would be to be quiet, don't ask questions and let him go :)~

I dont think Leo got anywhere by not asking questions, or not seeking input from others. He is the most vocal guy I know of, not at all quiet. Do you think he wants us to be like him or quiet? Does he help us by being quiet about his ideas, no he has the courage to share as deeply as possible. I also think he can ignore advice that doesnt serve him, he can analyse information and sift out the gems. 

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10 hours ago, Abdul said:

Just let the man do his thing. He knows himself more than anyone else. 

If he just let you do your thing because you know yourself best would that be the best he could do for you? 

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On 24/7/2016 at 2:16 PM, Piotr said:

I think if anyone was really conscious of what's holding Leo's back from enlightenment it would be himself. Even then to paraphrase Ken Wilber if he's conscious that he's unconscious then that's not it ^_^

The whole approach seems upside down since it's not what he doesn't know about himself, but what he thinks he knows is a trouble!

I do back up lots of appreciation for spreading self-help ideas and helping people grow. :)

Thats awsome. Thinking that we know is the problem. Autheniceness happens when we dont need to know, we just be. Maybe people want him to know a bunch of stuff and he just wants to help them by doing it. But I need to ask does an enlightened person give people advice about stuff they know/ think, I think they have but am not sure .

Edited by Kevin Dunlop

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How does one know if they are enlightened? Can someone be enlightened and not know it? Maybe he is. 

Edited by Kevin Dunlop

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Does an enlightened person have unconditional love? I dont know. If someone doesnt love everything can this stop them from being enlightened? Maybe he is still pissed off, can en enlightened person be pissed off?


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If a person wants to be enlightened for selfish reasons, like the benefits they will have can this stop them from becoming enlightened. Are enlightened people in service of others and not themselves?


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11 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Take what I say with a grain of salt because I don't know him and I'm not him. But if I had to guess from only watching his videos, I believe it's that Leo has subtle dogma that he's not yet conscious of, so he hasn't been able yet to fully let go. I believe that, deep down Leo holds an attachment to making his life significant as to not regret things on his death bed. He wants to avoid that and sees it as negative, so there's an attachment to what's good and bad in relation to his fear of regret.

I had thought of this, he is making videos as a way of documenting, the journey to enlightenment for humanity. As a way of recording it in history. The enlightenment is put off because he would regret not doing what he is doing now first, because he sees it as significant and good. OK. I would have to really dig deep to see if I had or didnt have the same thing in some way.

The good and bad thing I do have and thats what attracts me to these videos I want to condemn ¨bad¨stuff because I am bitter about injustices I have experienced. I like to hear Leo rip into bad stuff because it makes me feel right about doing it too.   But my question is does an enlightened person have to not judge anything as good or bad? 

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@Joe Schmoe hahahah pretty much. but i wouldn't be so quick in dismissing it

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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Leo still has little ego BUT.... the thing is that he isn't there yet, but he's already got the map. It's like he knows where he's going. That's why it is ok to follow him.


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59 minutes ago, Joe Schmoe said:

Enlightenment doesn't really sound all that exciting. Sounds like a waste time pursuing nothing. 

It definitely sounds blah, for sure. If I hadn't had a glimpse, I would have dismissed it as boring at best and nonsense at worst.  Luckily, the experiences that I had were the most liberating, beautiful, and fully embodied experiences of my life, so I have no other choice but to seek it if I want to ever feel that way again.

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40 minutes ago, Joe Schmoe said:

Hello @Emerald Wilkins Can you explain what you saw and how you got there? Were your eyes opened or closed? That being said was it physical or visual? Was this state reached during meditation? Was is drug induced?  What's stopping you from feeling that way now? 

I can't lie I'm interested and hesitant to pursue further enlightenment. I've seen some stuff during what I'll call meditation that is extraordinary. it is hard to hold on to at the moment and there is more than one destination to be reached. 

Bare in mind enlightenment can just be knowledge/insight

Enlightenment isn't knowledge or insight at all. It was drug-induced but I don't recommend trying it. I took Ayahuasca, but so did a bunch of others who didn't have the same kind of experience and it caused me a lot of issues in the aftermath. It screwed up my entire worldview and motivational system which before worked like a dream, so I don't recommend this. I had my eyes open as the experiences lasted several hours each.

What I believe happened was that the drug itself took away my fear, so that I could see things clearly and with a higher degree of awareness. I had already been deconstructing pre-conceived notions and building my awareness since I was younger, so I think it allowed me to see clearly what my fears and attachments had otherwise obscured from view. I noticed (on both occasions as I did it twice) that my identity wasn't really me and I was able to truly let go of my identification with it. Basically, I didn't care that much about myself. I could have died right then and been forgotten by everyone ever and been completely okay with it, even thought I loved life and preferred to live. So, I was for the first time ever able to treat everything equally. I didn't hate myself or feel inferior nor did I feel big-headed and better than everyone else, which were poles I had always shot back and forth between ever since I can remember... and still do. But I felt love and acceptance of myself and everything else even in the absence of admiration. It felt a lot like childhood in that I was able to feel my emotions fully without stifling them as I had unconsciously and habitually done for years. I felt deep joy, sorrow, lust, and a wide array of other emotions. There was also a halt to the seeking of adding value to myself or adding new knowledge to my intellect. Deeper layers of thought became evident to me because I was no longer afraid to observe them. So, positive thoughts came up and destructive thoughts came up clashing against one another as they always had been, only I was previously unconscious to them in that I was uncomfortable acknowledging the negative and was heavily identified with the good. But during the experiences it gave me a bird's eye view of both. There was also this deep knowing that was familiar and I knew it was always there and always would be. It was giving me wisdom from a deep place that was always changing and had an intelligence and it was me also. I knew that I had access to everything that there was to know but that it would only give me what I needed to know in the moment. If I didn't need it, it wouldn't give it to me. Many of my repressed traits floated into my conscious mind because I no longer needed to lie to myself to protect myself. So, everything that I was, I was okay to be even if it painted me in a negative light in the eyes of others. Then there was this overwhelming sense of connection with everything and a sense that, that which I'm sensing is sensing me. All of my need for significance of any kind dropped away, because I recognized myself as part and whole of all that was which needed no label of significance simply because it is the thing that is and that's all that there is. I recognized this phenomenon as the thing called God. Everything was pure magic. It was Heaven on Earth and it had always been Heaven on Earth, I just never saw it before then. All of my value assignments of good/bad or good/better/best had just been obscuring it. It was the joy of childhood to the power of ten even when the negative would come up.

But I think the main things that keep me from enlightenment are 1. Inability to let go of fears and attachments and 2. My preconceived notions about enlightenment because of my vivid past experiences with it.

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

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@Joe Schmoe does it matter?

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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@Joe Schmoe What is worth pursuing? 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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He needs to move into a cave, the ice-cream druck driver is a big distraction

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3 minutes ago, Richard Alpert said:

He needs to move into a cave, the ice-cream druck driver is a big distraction

You have a good point

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