
Was this a sort of awakening?

8 posts in this topic

I've been doing chakra yoga /kundalini yoga for a while now and some heavy meditation sittings lately. 

So during the night, I was on my balcony and I saw this man delivering newspapers/commercial stuff to different houses. I live on the top floor so I can see a lot from my balcony. Anyways, I can kinda see the car roads meeting, the ocean, the factories, houses, people, cars, just a lot from my pov. 

And when I took a look at the guy delivering the newspapers I got a thought like "This man is doing his job at this time without anyone knowing, and in the morning everyone will have newspapers". It just kinda dumbstruck me how there is something that we usually do not notice but contributes to the function of society. And then I kinda "zoomed out" and got broader and started to think of everyone working night time. What do they do now that helps society moving? And it just got broader, and bigger to the point where everything I perceived was involved with making life as a whole. Everything was connected. I kind of realized how massive and detailed a society actually is and how it works, and stopped seeing from only my POV in life. Instead, I was a part of everything, and everything worked in perfect harmony to make everything move.

Suddenly there was not even a separation between what is human behavior, animal, organisms, plants etc, because everything worked in harmony. Even all the material that was existing, all the atoms and cells and molecules etc were contributing. From all the newspapers that man delivered, to the entire clockwork of the universe itself.


So what do you think, was it a sort of awakening?

Edited by QandC

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10 minutes ago, QandC said:

 everything worked in perfect harmony to make everything move.


that is what you see if you are looking for it 

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Yeah totally my dude! Great description aswell. 

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Does it matter what we think? Follow your own heart/intuition

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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I would say so, yeah. It was a subtle realization of Oneness and interconnectedness between all experiences and forms. I’d say that counts but definitions of what constitutes an awakening can differ. 

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