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Possibilities Govern Causal Phenomena. Notional Determinasies Control Perceptual Experience

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Possibilities for all causal reaction exist before it perceptually takes place. Somewhere everything has already happened just not in accessable physical perceptual memory anywhere. The physical human only has control over quantified causal determinacies relative to perception. Free will appears as a coincidence. You believe you have free will but you actually have the option to react within perception. Coincidence cant exist if there is already an intelligence allowing it to become possible. Acausal free will is the source of creation. These perceptions cannot express truth as a noun as they are part of it as a verb. You are having an experience of one mind. The intelligence that created you is every mind that ever was or possibly could be. The world is projected in your mind and never has been outside of your mind. What you could consider your whole life has come through your interpretation. So there is no such thing as an external world if you never leave your mind. You are always exploring your mind. You can walk around and interact with your mind. 


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I really like the insight here, but I still can't help to be very skeptical to opinions believed to be true by ego of words and other conceptualizations, the very attachment itself to ideas and conceptualizations or truth is never ending, justification of itself and ideas can be brought about from any source that serves it's reality.

But I really like this none the less.

Memento Mori

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