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Spiral Wizard

RADICAL ramifications of total INFINITY

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I am not awakened yet, so I am not completely sure about this... but...

Does total infinity mean that every movie, book, game, fantasy, etc. is actually real? 

Is EVERY POSSIBILITY lived through by God / an ego / a subject / a conscious being? If so, how fucked up is that?!

I know I will get there someday but for now, I cannot imagine how I would be able to actually love, enjoy, or accept such infinite degrees of suffering, pain, darkness, etc. This blows my fucking mind... Is it even possible for a human to be neutral about or enjoy something unimaginable horrible or is there always a limit to one's tolerance as long as one is in this limited human form? 

What are the craziest ramifications of total infinity you realized? 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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Yeah well theoritcally speaking if you accept that reality is absolute infinity then yeah we are fucked. But you haven't had direct insight to that neither me.  But mathematically speaking if you have  an infinite line of numbers.. What's the possibility of finding any number you want on that line?  The answer is 100% since it's an infinite line of numbers.  If you have an infinite number of worlds (universes).. What's the possibility of finding literally any universe you could imagine? The answer is 100%.   So yeah good luck digesting that. 

See Leo's reaction when he discovered this lol 


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56 minutes ago, Spiral Wizard said:

I am not awakened yet, so I am not completely sure about this... but...

Does total infinity mean that every movie, book, game, fantasy, etc. is actually real? 

Is EVERY POSSIBILITY lived through by God / an ego / a subject / a conscious being? If so, how fucked up is that?!

I know I will get there someday but for now, I cannot imagine how I would be able to actually love, enjoy, or accept such infinite degrees of suffering, pain, darkness, etc. This blows my fucking mind... Is it even possible for a human to be neutral about or enjoy something unimaginable horrible or is there always a limit to one's tolerance as long as one is in this limited human form? 

What are the craziest ramifications of total infinity you realized? 

Yes, of course. Just the fact that you can imagine something means it "exists". Existence and imagination is all there is. Thoughts are just as real as anything "physical" you can see. It's all the same. 

Is it even possible for a human to be neutral about or enjoy something unimaginable horrible or is there always a limit to one's tolerance as long as one is in this limited human form?

Why is it that we love horror movies and violent action movies, but when it comes to seeing it in real life we're afraid? Because we have attachment to the ego's survival. If we saw everything as it actually is, just a movie playing out in existence itself, would there be a limit to one's tolerance?

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Total Infinity is a concept within infinity. Infinity means that there is no other. If there was something other, infinity wouldn't be infinite. The experience of being a seperate person is infinity appearing as that. This is it. You can not get outside of this, on some level you know that, but you are still looking for something other than this. The scary part is the experience of being seperate from the unknown. You are the unknown!

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@JayG84 Don't be so nihilistic. 

Also don't confuse  Imagination as what human mind would think of Imagination. 

It's God it's Pure Love. 

? is not Truth. 

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@Spiral Wizard One can try to memorize each number in the infinite string of Pi. Or one can awaken to it’s Infinite nature.

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@Spiral Wizard if we define REAL as what you can draw on a piece of paper... then you tell me if there are any limitations to what you can draw? draw and thus make it real?

same way, all books, movies, possibilities are REAL for infinity - as potential.

Love Is The Answer

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