
How Bipolar Disorder has helped me to awaken

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My mania is somewhat unique as it allows me to be fully authentic in ALL situations without fear. My heart chakra starts going to a whole new level - I give homeless strangers rides, meals, heartfelt prayer, friendship, etc. I typically donate almost all of my money in my manic episodes. I gain a sense of being fully free and alive - this doesn’t sound too significant, but I can assure you almost no one has felt what it is truly like to be free and alive. After the heart chakra opens, the higher chakras open one by one. It truly is an interesting experience to feel your third eye open as a feeling of intense pressure (not painful) comes in the center of your head. Feeling the crown chakra literally feel like a crown of energy has been placed on your head is quite eye opening as well. 

I thought some of you might find the connection between mental health and awakening to be interesting. There are theories currently that the majority of shamans, medicine people, and other healers or spiritually significant people had psychotic mental health disorders (specifically bipolar disorder and schizophrenia). I can attest that there is an undeniable connection between what our culture calls madness and spirituality. I basically have a built-in psychedelic. The effects of mania have been stronger than my largest psychedelic trip of 5.87 dried grams of shrooms. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I had a psychotic episode after having an epiphany, and after that I had the beginning of an ego death, but it was so scary that I thought I was crazy.

Now I know what happened and why. It happened because I asked for it.


Then after being in the hospital and being in contact with other people with mental problems, I realized a lot of things about myself. Know yourself says the bible. That's what it helped me a lot, to know myself better and of course, to know God because he is our true nature.


Basically mental disorders are because we don't accept the things the way they are, so we find refuge in some part of our mind to deny reality. When we learn that the only way out is to surrender to what is, that's the moment when we begin to heal our selves. That's what I learned from those experiences. In my opinion the people who has mental problems, are in a point where their personalities are about to break or to be destroyed, the problem is that the conditioning is so strong that some stay in that state for a long time. And besides our society doesn't understand that clearly, so they think that's a sickness or things like that.

It's the ego that is fighting against enlightenment, it prefers to go crazy before accepting God or reality or what is.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Great share man, thanks. There is a bit of ‘muggles diagnosing wizards’, or materialist separate selves diagnosing ourself goin on. Infinite nuances too. Tricky stuff. 



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