An young being

Is evolution driving beings towards higher dimensions ?

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First, we had single cells beings which had a bit of consciousness inside them. They had nothing to do except move here and there , eat and multiply. Through multiplication, they ensured that they are keeping the mechanisms intact. Next we had animals based on earlier mechanisms with some improvement, which can perceive the space around them with higher clarity. And now we have human beings with higher consciousness and mechanisms to perceive reality better than animals, both outside as well as inside ( outside necessary for survival and thus ensuring mechanisms are present for further evolution and inside for knowledge / creativity / enlightenment etc.), that allows us to realise we are a part of a larger mechanism, but still we are confused because the connective mechanism is not developed enough. Death is necessary because otherwise these older mechanisms will occupy unnecessary space without improving. We may evolve into something better in the future, which may always exist and perceives as one. ( Or we may all get wiped out and restart from the beginning somewhere else ). And after that we might still evolve and discover other dimensions that now we cannot even imagine because we are limited by this mechanism. It seems there is no end for this natural process. What do you think of this ?

Edited by An young being

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Sounds a bit like this talk.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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32 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Sounds a bit like this talk.

It was an interesting talk to listen to. I am particularly interested in bringing this idea to the discussion : If we experience a glimpse of reality as oneness at the highest point of awareness ( and it has taken thousands of years to achieve it by nature ) , imagine what we will be capable of after , say 5000 years of evolution. Maybe, we will be finding out that oneness is a part of a bigger illusion. And maybe that's the purpose of life itself, I was curious about my origins and I am doing this to myself infinitely to see what's at the end and if there is an end at all. Just an insight to give a new perspective of life.

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You can't get any higher than realizing you are everything and nothing. You are the only show in town.  

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11 minutes ago, Tanz said:

You can't get any higher than realizing you are everything and nothing. You are the only show in town.  

How can you say it for sure?

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14 minutes ago, Tanz said:

You can't get any higher than realizing you are everything and nothing. You are the only show in town.  

What if you are a lone being in the universe curious to know your origins ( just like we are ) but unable to find it on the non dualistic state , that's why you have become dualistic, so that you are trying to figure it in some point of time. Just a theory, but you cannot deny it, because neither you have experienced it but nor have proof of it. Neither Shiva nor Sakthi

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11 minutes ago, An young being said:

How can you say it for sure?

Because even if it were true and somehow there are higher dimensional beings.  They can't exist without you, the observer is the central "object"

When you created the universe you create a silly cheat code called Ego that created a desire to chase the unknown and to create the unknown. Its an infinite loop. The dog is chasing its tail into infinity.  Even if you miraculously discovered multidimensional beings or planes of existence, you will come to realize, motherfucker, its me too.  This by default makes the discovery of awakening to oneself the only one that matters.  Anything else is trivial and childish in comparison.  


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22 minutes ago, Tanz said:

Because even if it were true and somehow there are higher dimensional beings.  They can't exist without you, the observer is the central "object"

When you created the universe you create a silly cheat code called Ego that created a desire to chase the unknown and to create the unknown. Its an infinite loop. The dog is chasing its tail into infinity.  Even if you miraculously discovered multidimensional beings or planes of existence, you will come to realize, motherfucker, its me too.  This by default makes the discovery of awakening to oneself the only one that matters.  Anything else is trivial and childish in comparison.  


What if you are wrong? What if ego was created to check if it is infinite or something else is there. I am talking about beings other than I itself.

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20 minutes ago, An young being said:

What if you are wrong? What if ego was created to check if it is infinite or something else is there. I am talking about beings other than I itself.

Its possible but the only way you can discover for yourself is to experience a nondual experience.  

You are assuming or entertaining there are separate universes.  The sheer act of looking outside instantaneously creates another universe.  Its the ego that is looking ahead that is the creator.  It will be a never-ending loop until you realize in full circle its you.  

Sure there might be aliens, and if they ever get in contact with us, despite them being more technologically advanced than us they will be more primitive compared to a human that has awakened. If they never woken up to the importance of the observer then they can be considered less advanced metaphysically and spiritually.  This will hold true even if the alien race created earth and humans eons ago.   

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Its more like involution.  It looks like evolution because of the flow of time for humans. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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25 minutes ago, Tanz said:

Its possible but the only way you can discover for yourself is to experience a nondual experience.  

You are assuming or entertaining there are separate universes.  The sheer act of looking outside instantaneously creates another universe.  Its the ego that is looking ahead that is the creator.  It will be a never-ending loop until you realize in full circle its you.  

Sure there might be aliens, and if they ever get in contact with us, despite them being more technologically advanced than us they will be more primitive compared to a human that has awakened. If they never woken up to the importance of the observer then they can be considered less advanced metaphysically and spiritually.  This will hold true even if the alien race created earth and humans eons ago.   

What do you think is the point of evolution, then ? Is it nature trying to find its own nature? Or is it an open ended question for which no answer has been found yet ( not even by awakening)?

Edited by An young being

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19 minutes ago, An young being said:

What do you think is the point of evolution, then ? Is it nature trying to find its own nature? Or is it an open ended question for which no answer has been found yet ( not even by awakening)?

What is the point of dancing?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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16 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

What is the point of dancing?

To enjoy the moment. To make the body release happy hormones so that we feel better.

It is there so that you you can still be happy even if you were are not able to find a partner and reproduce, even if you are so depressed that you want to end your life etc. 

It's a part of life. It's not the whole life. It helps you not to be gloomy even if you are not successful. It's a part of evolution. 

Do bacterias dance? No, they can't. Do human beings dance ? Yes, we do because we can. Do we always dance? No. This is the point in dancing. It helps in the survival process. Now, what I ask is, what is the purpose of evolution and survival? There can be a purpose, there cannot be. Nobody knows for sure. Please help me understand if I haven't. I am very very open minded. 

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@An young being from the Absolute POV yeah You are designing it all so that it unfolds perfectly into discovering you are Infinite Love.  In your Infinite Intelligence you had to forget you were infinite in order to experience it and know that you are Infinite experientially.

So You designed and created all of this.  Time, evolution - the advancement of humanity - even alien beings far more advanced than humans.

If you knew up front that it was being designed and imagined by You it would probably take all the realness away.  Like spoiling the end of a good movie.

So relatively speaking, yes, the evolution of time is moving us towards a higher state of consciousness.  A more advanced society.  Ultimately a society of mystics that can access multiple dimensions.  That can communicate telepathically.   That grasps that Love is the essence of their being - and goodness must prevail.   That is what You are dreaming up as Infinite Mind and that is ultimately what is destined to come to pass.   Ta da!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@An young being from the Absolute POV yeah You are designing it all so that it unfolds perfectly into discovering you are Infinite Love.  In your Infinite Intelligence you had to forget you were infinite in order to experience it and know that you are Infinite experientially.

So You designed and created all of this.  Time, evolution - the advancement of humanity - even alien beings far more advanced than humans.

If you knew up front that it was being designed and imagined by You it would probably take all the realness away.  Like spoiling the end of a good movie.

So relatively speaking, yes, the evolution of time is moving us towards a higher state of consciousness.  A more advanced society.  Ultimately a society of mystics that can access multiple dimensions.  That can communicate telepathically.   That grasps that Love is the essence of their being - and goodness must prevail.   That is what You are dreaming up as Infinite Mind and that is ultimately what is destined to come to pass.   Ta da!

Thank you, this gives me more clarity. But I disagree that all this I have created, just so that we can all as individuals merge with consciousness and restart the cycle,  I think with each cycle there is something happening, something we cannot comprehend yet. Something that if we know now, we will no longer want to know as an individual self and thus destroys the purpose of this cycle.

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6 minutes ago, An young being said:

Thank you, this gives me more clarity. But I disagree that all this I have created, just so that we can all as individuals merge with consciousness and restart the cycle,  I think with each cycle there is something happening, something we cannot comprehend yet. Something that if we know now, we will no longer want to know as an individual self and thus destroys the purpose of this cycle.

Indeed - perhaps its the experience of the cycle itself!  And the prize is discovering you ARE the cycle.  (Or that's desert) Afterall - Reality is its own meaning :)  it is whatever you make it.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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12 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Indeed - perhaps its the experience of the cycle itself!  And the prize is discovering you ARE the cycle.  (Or that's desert) Afterall - Reality is its own meaning :)  it is whatever you make it.


Yeah, I agree with this point whole heartedly ?

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10 hours ago, An young being said:

What do you think is the point of evolution, then ? Is it nature trying to find its own nature? Or is it an open ended question for which no answer has been found yet ( not even by awakening)?

The journey itself is the purpose.  From microbe struggling in extreme hot and cold to becoming organized life, destruction, life, destruction, newer life, to now, to the emergence of the real self to non self, repeat, repeat

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