Salvia again, witnessing the whole existence and the all knowing mind - its a curse!

By WHO IS in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I can say that it is kind of scary! To see the whole existence in front of you and to experience the cursed of the ultimate knowledge. In the trip: There was a narrator female voice : Remember her saying “this is the curse of existence” Was showed about this intelligence programmed to calculate and learned everything to reach the ultimate knowledge but when it knew everything 100% it became a prisoner of itself stuck in the endless cycle of existence like a hamster in a wheel but the hamster never get tired and will never die its just keep on running on the loop. It was bored and lonely its constantly looking for the end of the cycle but it was endless. It keeps finding ways to stop from existing. Though it knows its gonna be like that for eternity. Its moving so fast and creating an echo of itself like a mirror facing each. It was pure energy and chaos. When I’m having this experience it feels like its me but It also feel that its not me . Its hard to explain. Thought Its not gonna end also. Does anyone experience the same. ? What was felt was that the all knowing entity finds comfort in pretending not know itself by becoming an entity with many boundaries like us humans. for it to escape its prison for a brief moment. So happy when the trip was going down. Feeling the ignorance and feeling of the great unknown .
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