
What Would Love Do?

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Feminine energy - if there is more of it - also supresses and dominates masculine energy. Just in a more subtle way:-)

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Your post is very well-written. My question is about the meaning of karma. Can you just get by calling it an illusion? Like karma = illusory person? The concept doesn't stick with me for some reason.

23 hours ago, Someone here said:

@ivankiss well that's all child's play. 

Here's the real deal. 

Leo says :

"No, you don't understand.



So there is nothing you can personally gain from spirituality. Therein lies the ultimate Goodness.

Goodness is NOT you getting stuff. Goodness is the end of you. Then, once you're dead, nothing can bother you any more and all becomes perfection.

The reason you cannot understand this is because you keep assuming you exist and there is stuff you can get.

Spirituality it deep counter-intuitive. Happiness only comes after you surrender your entire life to the Truth. You do not surrender to the Truth to get happiness. No! You surrender to the Truth believing that you've killed yourself and everything is fucked and destroyed.

THEN, and ONLY then, do you discover something beyond.

Almost every fiber of your being hates the Truth. Right now, you only care about the "truth" because you think it will get you something positive. But this is not Truth, this is falsehood.

You have to realize that YOU are the problem. And the solution will the elimination of yourself. Spirituality is a form of suicide. Which is why hardly anyone does it.

Imagine surrendering your entire life such that you didn't care any more what happened to you. That's what we're shooting for. For example, you don't care any more if you die or if you go to prison or get raped. You have completely surrendered your life to the universe's whims.

By surrendering EVERYTHING, you will gain the universe. And then you will be happy. Because you will be dead inside.

Truth = Death

You have to appreciate how serious this is. We are not talking in metaphors or playing word games. We are talking about your ACTUAL death. And you have to be wise enough to realize that death the best strategy. It is the only way to escape the maze.

You have to be wise enough to say, "Okay, fine. Death it is then. Let's do this."

You do not want this. It is impossible for an ego to want this.

Eckhart Tolle died the day he became enlightened. What you see now is a meat bag walking and talking which you call "Eckhart Tolle". It walks and talks, but it is just a zombie.

You are also just zombie, but you are in denial about it. All enlightenment is, is realizing you were always a zombie."



Edited by kagaria

 explain grammar to an alien ?

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@electroBeam It's exactly what I'm doing. I appreciate what Leo's doing and I am forever grateful for this forum. But I love and respect myself enough to stand my ground when I clearly disagree with what's being said. Nothing 'wrong' or 'unloving' about that. In fact; quite the opposite. ?

@dimitri Not sure if that analogy fits this scenario. But gotcha. ?

What I'm saying is filtered through my mind, that's something to be noted. I am not nearly as integrated and balanced as Matt is, for example. Hence the discussion in the first place, I imagine. 

I am working on myself  simultaneously as I am disagreeing with some of your thoughts.

And to be honest; I'm enjoying it quite a bit ?

@WaveInTheOcean Yes.

Again; the point is balance, integration and equality.

Not one thing over the other. ?

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Just now, ivankiss said:

@electroBeam But I love and respect myself enough to stand my ground when I clearly disagree with what's being said.

That's excellent, that's what this game is all about, will you choose the inner eternal truth over all the tempting, convincing outer falsehoods. 

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@ivankiss love you bro.

"I am not nearly as integrated and balanced as Matt is, for example."

Doesn't feel good to me, so it's clearly a lie.

You are the best in the district, the only One ;) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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A whole human being is one who sees that masculine and feminine is ultimately one; i.e.: that they are both expressions of Oneness/Love; just different in outward appearance to the separate self. That's the truth about any dualistic concept your mind can bring up. Life death, love hate, good bad, ugly beautiful, weird unique, self other, inner outer, mental physical, up down, nothing everything, empty space matter, awake asleep, free unfree, power helplessness, control not-in-control, chaos order, intelligent unintelligent, meaning/idealism nihilism, play serious, god ego, limited unlimited, finite infinite, and so to infinity, real unreal, dream reality, illusion vs. seeing clearly, conscious unconscious, relative absolute, god devil.

It's all One. 

Even to call it One misses what it is.

Non-duality is

not one

not two

not both

not nothing

not everything

Non-duality is: ......

Non-duality/Reality is what is left when you go beyond words, beyond mind. 

Of course my character would like to call it Love or Consciousness :-)

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@dimitri Absolutely speaking; yes. 

But this discussion is clearly a relative matter ? Ivan is not Matt. Both are God.

Love ya too! ❤

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"Ivan is not Matt" that's just a belief. 
ωe are on spiritual forum, so ωe can open the curtains and speak as truthy as possible. 

I was referring to one of the biggest traps of "to give your authority".... I hope you are free from it ;) 

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@kagaria that was a quote.  Those were Leo's words not mine. So maybe ask him. I have no idea how Karma  works tbh (or if it's even a thing). Sorry :D

Edited by Someone here

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@dimitri You are mixing the relative with the Absolute, in my opinion ? Ivan has his limitations. And so does Matt. Hence there is Ivan and Matt, in the first place.

I completely and utterly disagree that I am Leo or Matt or Dimitri. 

But God is all of them. Right now, right here.

God is not a person and has no name ?

Edited by ivankiss

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4 minutes ago, dimitri said:

@ivankiss "Ivan is not Matt" that's just a belief, we are on spiritual forum, so we can open the curtains and speak as close truthy as possible. 

Up to you though ;) 

Well, yes, but i "dislike" when ppl on this forum confuses relative and absolute truths and gets lost in word games. Words are not what matters. Words are only tools.

Ppl here have to get better at understanding what 'context' actually is, the meaning of it and how it works.

You are always saying something in a special unique context. You can never not be in context. Ppl should watch Leo's video on context.

We are living inside the dream. And therefore in the context of life/dream/relativity/dualism: Matt is not Ivan.

Absolutely speaking Matt is Ivan, yes.

So there's that. Both statements are equally true.

Matt is Ivan. Matt is not Ivan.

That's the truth. 

From the highest perspective there exist no paradoxes anymore.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@ivankiss interesting, thanks for sharing. 

Just the perspective:

Ivan is Matt
Ivan is not Matt

Both are true.
Absolute truth - Ivan is Matt
Relative truth - Ivan is not Matt.

Absolutely speaking there is no difference between Matt and Ivan.
God (call it as you want) appears to be Matt and Ivan in the same time, playing itself.
Relatively speaking: Matt and Ivan have own preferences, unique in their own way.

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@WaveInTheOcean yes :) 

I was just felt like to play non-dual game and comment on Ivan's comment about disagreeing with forum, just for fun ;) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@ivankiss Just wanted to say you handled that well, Love is impressed ;)  

David Deida talks about masculinity & femininity really well In his book “The way of the superior man” and how in a thriving relationship they need to be balanced one way or the other. (Usually the Male providing the masculinity & female the femininity, but doesn’t have to be, and in same sex couples there is still this balance, usually it’s clear to see) 

Yin and Yang all that ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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27 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@dimitri You are mixing the relative with the Absolute, in my opinion ? Ivan has its limitations. And so does Matt. Hence there is Ivan and Matt, in the first place.

I completely and utterly disagree that I am Leo or Matt or Dimitri. 

But God is all of them. Right now, right here.

God is not a person and has no name ?

God doesn't exist, yet God does exist.

It is you.

But you are not God.

Now quit the word games.:D become the absolute whatever it is (you already are it, only you don't see it, cos you aint seeing clearly.)

Human ppl are in the same position as a thinking fish swimming around in the ocean looking for this absolute, divine and mystical thing called Water. The Fish Bible talks about it. The thinking fish swims around all life either unconsciously (stage orange) or consciously searching for it (stage blue, green), but he never finds it, exactly because it is right in front of his eyes. 

All that hinders you from becoming the absolute is rational & emotional beliefs about what it is. You already are it. All that hinders you from seeing it is all the mud in front of your outward looking glasses.

Look inward instead while simultaneously letting go of mud (concepts).

Letting go is the same as loving.

Take one more psychedelic and stop dicking around. 

Sure, concepts/rational thinking is needed for the mind to awaken. But I'm talking about awakening of the heart, which is much, much more massive in its emotional impact on your dream-avatar-character (i.e the separte self/person you *know* you are, at least still emotionally for 90+% of peeps on this forum.) Sure, you *know* conceptually that you are God, but emotionally you are still lost as a separate self, which really is what matters the most in my own egoic conditions of whether a person is awakened or not..., now don't tell me a person cannot awaken. If you wanted to, then realize I was consciously talking very contextually within the dream itself 

Everyone, shut the fuck up, embrace not-knowing (i.e. let fully go of yourself/ALL of your ideas), love yourself and everything; then take a psychedelic. And then we don't have to talk anymore (ofc we will still do it for kicks ? but we'll all be on the same page more or less). 

Also Ivan, i dont know if you see it or not (emotionally speaking). Maybe you do see ?

Of course, it is not nessecarily black/white, this emotionally <either getting 'it'> (this Oneness/Love-thing) or <not>. 

It could be a spectrum.

Except it is actually not, I'd say, but I may be wrong. Anyone care to put their thoughts on this???

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 minute ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Everyone, shut the fuck up,

What Would Jesus Do, WWJD? What Would Love Do? WWLD? Shut The Fuck Up. STFU. 

Anyone wanna buy a bracelet? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@LfcCharlie4 Thank you. I am humbled ? 

@WaveInTheOcean It can be very twisty, indeed. But it can also be incredibly simple and clear as day. Or should I say; Light. ?

This is all just thoughts and views. Exchange of information. And although it can all look like a word salad... what really matters is what you actually take away from it once you let go of all thoughts and take your very first conscious breath.


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