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The Eternal Strategy

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When one decides to go to war with the Cartesian Evil Demon, it's worth pondering to what extent she can raise her game.

Have you dropped the ball recently? Did you remember to cross the Ts and dot the Is? A lot of conjecture can be thrown around as if true; we can take it to the bank and celebrate, only to wake up and find ourselves staring down the barrel of the gun while the evil demon smirks. Oh shit, I screwed up and didn't even see it.

For me, it seems absolute to say that unconsciousness cannot manifest in the first-person. There is no such thing as first-person unconsciousness.

Therefore all that remains is consciousness. There can never be a moment when one is not having an experience. All that can change is the nature of that experience. An existence without beginning, without end, and transcendental of time itself.

In view of the evil demon, omnipotence is not the problem. We have known non-omnipotence, and one day we may experience it again. Just as someone develops Alzheimers, all that work, all that knowledge and wisdom, all that Enlightenment....all gone. And suddenly we are back in the nebithera of ignorance again.

To those who have the ability to understand, and the ability to pass on understanding, what is your strategy for navigating eternity?

I have a saying: "If you care more about your own mother than the homeless person down the street, then you're doing it wrong".

Why? Because while I can prove that I am eternal, I cannot prove that I am not the homeless person down the street, and therefore I should assume that I am also the homeless person down the street that currently is at a different point in eternity.

After all, there is no escape from eternity. Even that which is omniscient cannot escape. Ever.

I will assume that I am everything. I will assume that by the time eternity is done (!!) I will have experienced every experience there is to possibly experience limited only by imagination.

I will be every human, animal, male, female, black, white. All of the things. I will prepare for Hiroshima, Auschwitz, every kitchen-sink drama, every homelessness, every animal slaughter, every rape and house-fire. All of the bad things, and all of the good things.

I will take the strain, because I have no choice. To do otherwise would be to deny the consciousness in others, which as eternal strategy we must assume to be the consciousness in us, merely at a different point in eternity.

Perhaps if we can teach this... perhaps if we can adopt eternal strategy as fundamental, while we move toward turquoise... we can accelerate true empathy.

A place where compassion and wisdom are one.

Edited by peachboy

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