
Dumped 70% of my online/offline friends

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It has been a week that I have been contemplating friendships/relationships. How can unwanted and low-quality friends slow our process in actualizing?

Most of the friendships, whether they were offline or online that I ruined were the people that I made when I was not in my path to actualization. They were the people that were just consuming my time and energy every day. I am an introvert kinda guy who has a limited amount of energy for the external world and for the people, that's why I dumped. 

What about you guys, do you guys think it is a good idea to give up on people, classmates or even some close friends?

I chose to no longer be a member of this forum.

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I think that is a question everyone has to answer for themselves. Its very personal and depends on your personality.

You can go inwards, self-actualize and start living the life of your highest imagination regardless of who you surround yourself with. Because in the end, everything is internal.

At the same time it doesnt mean that Id advice the girl who is being abused by her husband to stay with him. Or someone who is being held hostage against their will to not free himself when the opportunity arises. I know these are rather extreme examples lol.

Just stay true to yourself.

The way people treat us and the people we make friends with reflect our internal world. When you change so will your environment. This is a natural way for things to go. So there is not really a need to do anything about it.

This could be different for someone who is a "people pleaser" who does things for people he really doesnt want to do. Again changing himself and becoming more authentic would be the answer. By just telling people "no" they will then go away on their own and find other people to exploit.

But if you are constantly drained by your friends and not able to do the inner work that is needed, then yes you might be better off cutting them out of your life first.

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I've been doing this as well. But I am just cutting off people who I clearly don't have anything to lose from. The trap here is cutting too many people at once, because chances are, you'll cut someone who you might regret later. I've gone through that, and it sucks.

So now, I'm doing it in baby steps. And feels good.  B|

one day this will all be memories

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7 hours ago, Zak said:

It has been a week that I have been contemplating friendships/relationships. How can unwanted and low-quality friends slow our process in actualizing?

Most of the friendships, whether they were offline or online that I ruined were the people that I made when I was not in my path to actualization. They were the people that were just consuming my time and energy every day. I am an introvert kinda guy who has a limited amount of energy for the external world and for the people, that's why I dumped. 

What about you guys, do you guys think it is a good idea to give up on people, classmates or even some close friends?

Create a new social media from scratch and detox. Unless someone is toxic, i don't much care. I saw guys and girls who have drama, i unfollow. On girl i met years ago in the club district became a escort. I removed her. Around a election cycle its annoying as all hell. Lots of orange man bad followed by race baiting or identity politics. Even more annoying after he won. I remove annoying people and toxic but I don't associate with them in the first place so not a issue. 

I heed caution. You are shifting the responsibility and ownership on other people for your progress. My progress is solely on me. No excuses. Own it. 

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If your friends are enjoyable to be around and they improve your life overall then keep deepening the relationship with them. 

If they are toxic and draining you and overall decreasing your quality of life then be honest with them and cut ties. 

meaningful relationships are one of the great joys of existing, but you just have to be careful with who you get close to. 

Personally I love all of my close friends so much, and will forever be friends with people who I enjoy being round and who benefit my life :) but I’m a very social person! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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If you are knowing what you are wanting, aren’t you therefore all set? Why is there anything at all that needs to be done, such as the ‘dumping’?



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@Nahm  There is no "doer"? There is nothing being "done"? It feels like that this could be when in fact there no identification. Isn't it a conscious choice to "act"?

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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@Loving Radiance

This is already Being. There is already no identification. Doing, identification, choice, and acting are thoughts supported by beliefs of time, space, birth, death, energy, etc. Apparent finite narrative overlaid upon the actuality of the presence of infinite being. Moving is apparent. ‘All else’ appears in absolute perfection as if, or making it seem like, there is ‘someone inside’ doing, moving, thinking, choosing. There is no inside or outside. There is no separation between awareness and what awareness seems to be aware of. No separation between formless and the appearance of form. The “finite” is the infinity. To bring this a bit back to topic, the sorting and sifting of “influencers” upon “me” is a perpetuation of the identity of “the one” doing, thinking, choosing, acting...sorting. This ‘substance’ ‘we’ are is absolutely free. Freer, we could say, than this.  



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