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Leo help me to explain that we are all nothing, therefore everything.

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“To attain direct knowledge of what enlightenment is, it’s important to understand that everything that exists — the entire universe, time and space and all of life including each and every one of us – is a manifest or material expression of that which does not exist. From nothing came something. The unmanifest became the manifest. From the empty void, this whole material universe, which eventually gave rise to energy and matter, life and the capacity for self knowing awareness, dramatically emerged. Everything that exists came from this absolute nothingness. That means nothing is the source of everything that is. This fundamental mystical insight is basically this: that the ultimate essence of everything that exists is this no-thing-ness. Traditionally, this is the revelation that enlightens — that frees the self from attachment to the world, the process of creation, and everything in it. This is when we discover the limitless interior dimension of our own Being, when consciousness begins to open to itself to an immeasurable degree and when we discover the unmanifest dimension of reality. In that mysterious domain, there is no time, no space, no world, and no mind. Nothing has happened yet. This absolute nothingness or voidness or emptiness is traditionally called the Ground of Being. When we discover the literally infinite, timeless, formless nature of this dimension, we recognize that. This is what it was like before the universe was created”.    You creating the universe or all these process right now with your thoughts, because when you read you thought, you learn something. If you dont think, you are absolute infinite nothingness.


“In this understanding you know that every part of yourself is also not separate from that empty ground from which literally everything emerged when time began. That unmanifest dimension is always at the very core of ALL of your experience in every single moment, including this one, whether you are aware of it or not. When seen from an evolutionary perspective, unmanifest nothingness is not nothing. There is nothing happening there, and yet, inherent in the nothingness is an ungraspable mystery that is deeply compelling”.   This so called world is all nothing, nothing inside of the body, you are here all as nothing, therefore nobody is here. The funny shit is “I” this person is completely illusion who write these messages, body is empty :) lol. When i look at around, I am everything but at the same time, i dont see anything because i am not there as something (which can see), and am there as nothing, which cant see or be seeing (thats why “I” that see something is an completely illusion). If i cant be seeing and cant see anything. ALL IS ME AS NOTHING. holly shit therefore why I AM NOTHING THEREFORE EVERYTHING , I AM HERE AS NOTHING THEREFORE I AM NOT HERE, I AM EVERYWHERE. 


“That is why when you enter into a very deep state of meditation, it is always so absolutely enthralling. Why? Because in that absolute nothingness there always exists the infinite creative potential for everything that burst forth as the entire universe. That unmanifest domain is the indestructible, transcendental realm of infinite potential that forever abides before anything has happened.  The unmanifest domain is a place where everything is possible, but where nothing has ever happened. In this absolute emptiness there is a positive creative tension, experienced as a profound and powerful state of suspended awakeness. This unbroken tension exists in the infinite depths of consciousness precisely because everything is possible, but has not yet occurred. This is the vibration of empty-fullness that is so completely enthralling”.    All these process are existed by thoughts, if we never know what the universe is or enlightenment is we can never find our true self, we create thoughts (duality) to discover our true self (non duality) through meditation or no thinking. This is an self masturbation everything is you, all the process (thoughts, enlightenment, human, language), entire universe but as NOTHING. Thats why there is no enlightenment because you are already it, whatever you do doesn’t change anything, everything is it NOTHING. Nothing has ever occurred here and nothing is happening. That why i (nothing) am everything, everywhere and every happening.


“When l speak about the manifest expression of enlightenment, I’m pointing very specifically to what happened at that precise moment when nothing took that unimaginable leap and became everything. What happens when nothingness, which is the essence of everything that exists, becomes manifest? It’s important to try and recognize that moment in your very own experience. What we’re interested in here, is locating that same vibration—that same energy, that same intelligence—that initiated the entire creative process at the very beginning of time and history, in your own experience”.   IMPORTANCE OF THE MOMENT AND NOW.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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