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...but don't be a cheap basterd like our friend Kevin James here.


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@JosephKnecht "Too expansive"? Lol, that is a nice Jungian slip right there!

(I guess that Jung was more of a proponent of expanding consciousness than Freud, so yeah, I'll just go with him. ;))

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@Bazooka Jesus Jesus! Fire the bazooka. I am losing my way with the words. :) 

Expansive is expensive. 

Do you know what is the greatest Freudian slip?

Freud was in love with his own mother but was unwilling to admit it. Instead, he came up with the Oedipus complex and projected that all male children are in love with their mothers. Doesn't that sound slippery to you?   

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19 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

Doesn't that sound slippery to you?   

Heh, kind of does. Even though I'd wager to say that this too is more a case of Jungian projection than of Freudian... whatever, lol.

Oh boy, leave it to us actualizers to use a Kevin James flick as the starting point for an in depth discussion about psychoanalysis. Hah! xD

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11 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Heh, kind of does. Even though I'd wager to say that this too is more a case of Jungian projection than of Freudian... whatever, lol.

Oh boy, leave it to us actualizers to use a Kevin James flick as the starting point for an in depth discussion about psychoanalysis. Hah! xD

The possibilities are endless! :D 

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