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Should Be Happier!

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This is going to sound like I'm lazy but hear me out. 

I'm basically taking the entire summer off as I was fired back in May. Thankfully, I had a hunch something like this was going to happen, so I am financially stable enough to not be working. I have my eye on a job that I will be beginning the interview process for next week, but if I do get hired, it won't be until Fall. 

When I was at my last crummy job, I would have given anything to be in the position I'm in now. I love having the days to myself. I love the time I have to myself. I have always wanted this!

Am I afraid that when I do work I will hate it just as much as the last job?  Would I rather just do nothing even after all the schooling I have?  

I don't get why I feel like I do. 

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It sounds like  you do not like your previous job and that is okay. Now, you have left that job and are on the verge to get a new one. But you are worried that you might hate it like you did with the previous job and are considering the idea that maybe you just dont want to do any work and have lots of free time.

Now, assuming that if you decide to have no job at all and that has lots of negative consequences that you do not want to pay, then you should find a new job. That job according to me should be the one you fear that you will hate. But only if you see that it has potential to bring you closer to your ultimate intent and it is the best opportunity for you at the moment :)






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The job I have my eye on fulfils my passion. I was able to experience short glimpses of it while I was at my old job, and it was the favourite part of my job. Luckily for me, this new one (if I get it) will allow me to completely engage in my passion. 

I have my dream condo. I have oodles of time off to myself. I am working on my relationship with my partner and we are growing stronger. I am slowly becoming able to speak my mind and express my feelings without fear of negative implications. I'm cutting back on excess useless items in my life. I'm working hard on my finances. I have started exercising and eating better. I'm making some serious progress!  

Maybe it's because I'm doing all of this at once, leaving the old in the past, that it is becoming overwhelming?  I'm not sure. 

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