
Micro-dosing. Dang.

7 posts in this topic

I tried micro-dosing shrooms earlier this evening.

I ate 2 smallish dried tops and a long stem. 

I don’t have a scale at the moment so I have no clue what the actual measurement was. 

This was my first time truly micro-dosing. It was an interesting comparison to previous full trips. 
It was also my first time ingesting alone. 

Just very subtle, but also intense....different,  and yet so similar. 

I figured even though it wasn’t a “full trip” I still wanted to have an intention. 

I wasn’t 100 percent sure of the intention: But, let me tell you, they responded. 

*Also, I think I am sensitive to shrooms

Mostly, for me, going in I wanted to explore my personal blocks on achieving financial “success,” with a  little “if you want to help me discover how to help the universe as a whole right now, there is a sh@t ton happening, I wouldn’t be opposed”

The Dosage:

I started off with one small top to see how it would take. Then 40 minutes in I took the second top. Then 20 minutes later I ate the stem. 

What happened:

I got incredibly horny for a brief period about 30 minutes after the first consumption.

I have a high sex drive to begin with. Well, desire, I never NEED to orgasm, I just am perpetually horny and have no limit on the amount of times I can orgasm. 

However, This time I ended up mastrubating and cuming multiple times. 

The Orgasms were heightened in a similar way to how they are heightened when I eat weed edibles.

Bliss state settled into relaxation.

I discovered that I need to tone down how much I mastrubate on the whole though. I think my body is trying to balance out some chemicals from Past events. It feels like it is trying to reach the same level of chemicals that it had when it (I) went through trauma, and the only way to keep up the balance is through orgasm. 

I want to figure out different ways to balance the chemicals.

It will be a process.

I also don’t want to do “no-mastrubation” because I think mastrubation is a wonderful way to connect with  and balance my body.
I’ll just be more aware now. 

I then ate the second Top and I listened to a YouTube video on manifesting money:

Lots of feminine energy in the video. 

I have a lot of feminine energy, so I figured maybe my wavelengths would match up and something would click.

Her YouTube channel seems pretty chill too. 

I then ate the stem. 

I then got hungry and I ate 3 protein bars and drank 2 things of cold green tea. 

I wasn’t the least bit anxious, but anytime I trip I almost always drink excessive amounts of liquid and eat more. 

I think I have a stress eating issue. 

Not full on binge(?) but it is something I definitely want to look into. It might have to do with the trauma thing as well. It gives me comfort. Trying to balance chemicals.  

I then had to pee a billion times ?. 

Then, I noticed that when you have your phone flashlight on, if you look straight at it in the dark, it forms a beautiful rainbow. 

Try it while tripping sometime: Mood enhancer vibes. It was wonderful.

I then went back to my intention:

I thought about how change for me and for the universe is hard, and I cried some.

I thought about how everything is connected and how energy pulses through me and through you and through every single thing on and off this planet to infinity.

My heartbeat is your heartbeat. My heartbeat is the heartbeat of black holes. My heartbeat is the heartbeat of my cat. It is the heartbeat of every person rioting in cities for BLM. The heartbeat of every person at a Trump rally. And of every person dealing with Covid-19. 

And it is scattered as F$*& right now.  

We all must synchronize and truly beat as one. We are one, but we’re broken into pieces. 

We must not beat faster out of fear, or slower to avoid. 
We must beat in such a way that we can be whole again. 

So how am I to be financially “successful?”

* And balance out orgasms and food? 
*and collectively synchronize the universal heartbeat? 

I must Check in with my heart each day and ask it what I must do for it to beat truthfully.  

Once I find that energy I must send that energy outwards every chance I get.

And then that energy will come back. 

Then slowly, after many cycles. 

The heartbeat will be true again. 

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I am so sensitive, one time i ate 0.1g of dried shrooms and had what I would call small trip, with weak visuals and everything.

I took hoping to open up my creativity to write a dissertation, end up unable to produce anything, and just enjoying the trip lol

After reading this, I got motivated to try microdosing LSD this week, thanks!

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You did not microdose, you ate a random amount of mushroom of unknown potency and had a full on trip!

It's okay, a full on trip is needed from time to time, but if you want to get into microdosing you'll need to be a lot more methodical in your approach. Buy a good mg. scale, get your chemicals in powder form or tabs from a trustable source, learn about volumetric dosing, etc. A microdose should barely be felt, almost placebo.

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@FredFred I barely had any ? They were tiny! 

No visuals really during. 

However, My reaction to the small amount might explain why I have had panic like attacks with higher amounts though. 

May try doing even less for micro-dosing at some point. 

Thank you ? 

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