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Guest SirVladimir

Cats & Spirituality

1 post in this topic

Cats were, in my experience, always very sentient and alert beings.

Below is an image of me holding a cat that would never sit in anyone's lap. The cat would allow us to pet him, but run away as soon as somebody tried to get a hold of him, grab him, put him somewhere.

I don't usually see him. I went to sit on a terrace today; there he was, chilling on a wall. We were both under a roof, it was raining. I put on my headphones, found some frequency audiotracks on YouTube (which I never listen to), closed my eyes and went to meditate. Didn't take long for the cat to start noticing me. His look was piercing right through me when I half opened my eyes. I continued to meditate, only now with the intention to make a connection with him. I wasn't striving for it. I simply let it be. I wasn't needy. In that moment, the cat happened to hop into my lap. That never happened to anyone before. How beautiful we felt. I simply let it be.


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