
MBTI is Astrology for Smart People

44 posts in this topic

I'm actually fine with people thinking astrology is bullshit.

Esoteric knowledge isn't for everyone -- why would I care what someone who hasn't spent the last 20 years studying astrology thinks about me or the subject? Everyone's entitled to his or her opinion.  I would certainly feel no obligation to explain why that person is wrong.

It's the same with enlightenment, something I recently realized.  These days a lot of people are on a mission to convert others to their way of thinking.  If someone's not at the doorstep, why would I be required to open the door for them?  People should be allowed to progress at their own pace.  Why burden someone with knowledge they're not prepared for?

Edited by Haumea2018

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On 20/06/2020 at 8:39 PM, IJB063 said:

You know why it’s appealing, because whatever answer you get you’re just a cool guy at the end of it. You’re never gonna come back after taking the highly scientific five minute MBTI test and get the result “you’re a dickhead”.

Maybe because what's a dickhead is relative. A dickhead for you is a cool guy for me, and a cool guy for me is a dickhead for you. 

There are clearly differences between people's interests, values and inclinations. Introversion vs extroversion, interested in science or art, leading people or being lead, are real differences you can actually spot. What's a cool guy for you is an Elon Musk smoking bong out of his ass, what's a cool guy for someone else is a shakespear or poet or famous athlete like ian thorpe. 

Just because you're a cool guy at the end of it doesn't mean its bullshit. Maybe everybody is a cool guy in truth? Maybe athletes are cool, poets are cool, scientists are cool, politicians are cool, everyone is cool, and the reason you don't think they're cool is because you have judgments and hatred towards those groups that you don't resonate with. 

The fact that you're a cool guy at the end of it means the MBTI is accurate, not the opposite. We resonate with who we truly are, because we love ourselves beyond belief. That's why we strive for truth, honesty, love and being 'right' or 'just', because we love our true selves. The 'cool guy' ness at the end of it is just a 'hint' from God that you're discovering something deep and valuable about yourself and that you're on the right track. 

The problem with the MBTI, along with every concept, is getting dogmatic about it and taking it as the gospel. The MBTI is wrong in a lot of areas, the truth is covered in nuggets of shit, yet the truth in the MBTI is valuable and useful to use. 

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19 hours ago, IJB063 said:

@Gili Trawangan

Wouldn't know where to find one 

But yes I’d call it bullshit to their face

Because I think it’s bullshit

Just because some disagrees with you does not mean their closed minded

I’m open minded 

Why is astrology true?

@IJB063 I don't know if you noticed but you are giving too much chi (or power) to astrology by hating it. It's becoming a resistance. You were better off letting it go. As to why Astrology is true? No one here could give you a direct answer, cause truth is to be experienced, it has to be direct experience. You have to experience the truth for yourself.  Do you get that? Or else you are simply playing mind games. 

You seem like a scientific and rational person which you are. I am not saying astrology is true. I personally stay away from astrology not because it is false, it may be true, but because i don't resonate with the vagueness in it, I personally find it too vague to specifically direct or align my life with. 


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@IJB063 You're absolutely right man haha. I thought about the same thing a few times the past couple years.

Still though, it's fun to indulge the ego and do the "me" tests once in a while :P


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