
Question about energetic phenomena

2 posts in this topic

When I sit still for a while, I tend to get this build up of pressure around the bridge of my nose and in the middle of my forehead. It also manifests itself as a jolting or spasm in the upper neck (it slightly turns my head to one side), like there is a tiny discharge of pent up energy. My mom who is a doctor has commented on it and tries to make sense of it within her paradigm, but I believe this isn't reducible to physical science, mainly because If I meditate deeply to the point of losing my sense of self, it vanishes completely. What is this energy and what is it doing to my neck?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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It might be a trauma manifested in your body. 

Go into and surrender to it. Allow all sensations that appear. Don't fight any unpleasant sensation or thought. Accept your realizations. 

You'll get deeper and deeper into what it really is, until it dissappears into lightness and relieve 

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