
Why are you, you?

67 posts in this topic

50 minutes ago, Godhead said:

@Dodo What is "!" ?

!= means not equal in pc math notation 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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On 6/19/2020 at 8:58 PM, NorthNow said:

You're probably not going to find a meaningful answer. I know exactly what you're asking but a lot of people just like using flowery language and metaphors without actually addressing your question. I've asked it many times. 

You're right, I've been looking for this answer for years both offline and online and no one can come up with a solid answer.

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I don't know. Maybe so that you could ask the question and be confused.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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On 19.6.2020 at 8:10 PM, Knowledge said:

Why are you not me and me not you?

Why were you born as yourself and not as someone else?

Plot twist: I am you and you are me.

You are God. I am God. Everyone. Everything. Is God.

God chose to imagine himself as an infinite amount of seemingly separate selves. These selves/minds (life/dream) are structured (by God of course) in such a way that it feels as though they can only be experienced one at a time. That's why it FEELS as though you are you and I am me (as if we are two separate selves).The story of being born involuntarily as a separate human being feels true, but is in fact just a conceptual story useful for survival, not true in any absolute sense. You can become directly conscious of this. You can become directly conscious of the Truth of Oneness. 

Of course, even when you become directly conscious of God, Oneness, Love, Nothingness, No-Self, etc., still it will feel like, on the surface, that you are still a separate human body running around with an inner world of emotions, thoughts, feelings in an outer "physical" world.

("Permanent Enlightenmen" is when you have an "inner deep clarity" that shines onto this "apparent surface of separateness" and tells you that it is what it isOneness/Love/God/Nothingness , -- thus: many'ness becomes One, differences becomes One, self becomes other, others become you, hate becomes Love, suffering becomes Love, pain becomes Love, death becomes Life, evil and bad becomes Good, separateness becomes Oneness, unconsciousness becomes Consciousness, life becomes Heaven/Dream, seriousness becomes Play, delusion becomes Enlightened, human becomes God, Everything becomes God, Love..., something becomes nothingness,  )

That's the genius, brilliancy, of this dream of life We - as God - have imagined up. We knew it had had to have some apparant order and structure, otherwise We wouldn't believe it was real. Hehe. If it was just a mess all of it, survival would not work, and We wouldn't believe it was real. And We need to believe it's real in order to then - eventually - come back to Ourselves (God/Love/Oneness). If We did not believe it was real, then We would not be able to come back to Ourselves, because We would already "be there", i.e. just existing as pure nothingness, unable to imagine ourselves as infinite things.

The thing is, We already are pure nothingness (thus infinite potential, infinite love, God), We are always that. It's just that this pure nothingness is equal to somethingness, i.e. what you call 'your own body' or 'a tree' or 'a table' or 'your dog', THAT IS pure nothingness.

That which is something is nothing.
And that's God. Divine Love. Divine Play. Leela.

Heaven is right here, not somewhere else.
God is right here, not somewhere else.
Enlightenment is right here, not somewhere else. 

This of course also means that
hell is right here.
Evil is right here.
Delusion is right here.

Hell = Heaven
God = The Devil
Enlightenment = Delusion

It's all one. You choose which perspective you want to have. Are you full of ego/turmoil on the inside? Life becomes hell. Are you full of nothingness/death on the inside? Life becomes Heaven.

Since my awakening 2 months ago, I feel so death on 'the inside', that everything 'outside' feels so alive. Like I'm a child again.

Why did We (as God) choose to imagine Us into being seemingly separate helpless selves? Because We had to, to see what We truly are (Infinite, Nothingness, Love, God). Contrast is needed. We did it out of love. Out of selflessness. It would be selfish to stay as One only:-) Although, paradoxically, We are always One (and nothing else), it just doesn't always seem so (that's the brilliancy of this creation).

We did it because We wanted to see what We could create. To test Our infinite creative skills. To test Our infinite imagination. I mean, for God's sake, search some youtube videos on how bizzare nature/wild life/animals can be. Or just humans for that matter. Why is this so? Why is reality so full of crazy shit? Because We like imagining infinite things. We are the very definition of Creation. We Create. We love. Survival as in what we call "darwinistic evolution" is one of the most genius methods for creation, for expressing divine love, for expressing Infinite Creativity, imagination.

What is absolutely true, is that ultimately, everything is happening out of Divine Love, everything is an absolute 100% free choice (God is 100% free OF COURSE lol). So you (as God) choosing to trick yourself into believing you are "whatever your name is" as a human being and not God/Love/Nothingness; well, that's a free choice - too -, and it's a free choice that you have tricked yourself into believing it was not a free choice (and that you are a  " poor little 'me' " instead), hehe <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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