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What oneness means

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We have one of everything. One mom, one dad, one life one death. one though one present, one point of view, one lover one childhood one work. This is our oneness. Talent means that we can create more of anything. This is what we call creation. We can create more children, picture, writing, work, problem, lover, food, car, anything. Of course everything has one price, one identity, one opposite(negative), one equation(equivalence), and one relation to everything else. The one Neo, think about it how many Neos are there? One ring to rule them all. That one ring, is it there? No, it's here, and there as well! Freedom means that we don't even need that one. This is called independence, next to dependence. But we can trade! We all do it all the time, one trade at a time. We choose how. We become a cloud flowing with the sky, or the pyramid, that cannot move.

The pyramid is the perfect presentation of a big useless thing. Yet it's magical. The warlock cast his work spell. you are casting cut on a tree. - Damn you! - You say, casting hell on the other driver. What's the difference between regular and magical words, after all?Life teaches you how to cast. When you occuse you use your finger staff. What else do you cast your finger in? See how magical is when you do that? So just cast, good or bad, just know, that you are doing it to the only one. This is the one thing to know, the one knowledge. You are casting right now. Every, single, word, is, a, new, cast. Without stopping. Ever. You are conjuring this moment, there is the energy right now, you can feel it. It twists like an engine, waves like the ocean. The grass is not green, your mind is casting color on your vision. Yet how magical. You are casting 'money' on a piece of paper. Yet how useful. Helps to eat.

Edited by Litaken

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