Dylan Page

Beyond nightmare level experience with weed.

12 posts in this topic

So I have never liked weed, but after not smoking it for like 5 months, I wanted to see if I still hate it. 
Unfortunately, it resulted in easily one of the worst nights of my life. I took one hit. One. 
After about 30 minutes, I thought of some super anxiety provoking idea (I don’t even remember what it was) and the anxiety spread through my body like a wave of energy. Normally I get some kind of mild anxiety, but this was just absolutely unbelievable. I had to walk outside for like 20 minutes. On this walk I experienced something more akin to a psychedelic than marijuana. My mind was going absolutely fucking haywire. I started seeing mental visions of my visual field twisting and turning into geometric shapes and viscerally felt the anxiety swallowing me whole. I almost stopped breathing. After it died down I still felt like shit, and didn’t sleep at all that night. I finally returned to baseline, but while I was still high, it felt like it was possible that I would never return. If I had to exist like that for more than a couple of days I would have 100% committed suicide. How the fuck can that happen to me with one hit while my friends and rip it all day like candy? 

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I had a similar high the other day as well. I think the difference between you and me however was I went into it expecting this to come up. You can use cannabis to help let this stuff go. Treat it like a ceremony where you lie down to relaxing music in a dark room and surrender. You don't have to do anything. Set a time for a good two hours or so. This can be as powerful as holotropic breathe work if not more. 

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We need to be especially careful with thc, psychotics experience amplified degrees of anxiety...and psychotics are the ones who are most likely to be drawn to this site. Try cbd grass man, gets you stoned out, but no anxiety, like a bee sting...without the sting part



^ cbd weed. Legal everywhere

(Btw I've had terrible experiences with thc, I remember I was so fucked up at one point that I couldn't leave my bed and I thought I was fucked) watch out.

Edited by Aaron p

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Go easy on the weed man.

Even better: go easy on drugs man

There aren't things to mess with. Take smaller puffs if you just want to get a little bit high. Also, if you want to get high with an illegal drug, at least buy a high quality one.

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1 hour ago, Aaron p said:

We need to be especially careful with thc, psychotics experience amplified degrees of anxiety...and psychotics are the ones who are most likely to be drawn to this site. Try cbd grass man, gets you stoned out, but no anxiety, like a bee sting...without the sting part



^ cbd weed. Legal everywhere

(Btw I've had terrible experiences with thc, I remember I was so fucked up at one point that I couldn't leave my bed and I thought I was fucked) watch out.

Cbd doesn't get you stoned as thc does

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@JosephKnecht nah but I’ve done shrooms and acid in the past, both low dose, also freaked the fuck out on acid, but weed is probably worse than shrooms

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Never underestimate the strength of weed nowadays, especially if you've done psychedelics or meditate regularly. 5 months without smoking will make you super sensitive. When I had a 1 year break and wanted to try it again (my last time ever), I experienced ego death instantly after putting down the joint.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I can eat a whole container of peanuts and be in bliss. Others eat a few peanuts and it’s life threatening. 

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I would say just be careful and treat it like any other substance for growth. Set an intention, set up your setting, and use it responsibly including proper dosage. Probably not a good idea to blast 1 gram of hash from a bong if you want to be able to reflect properly. You can use weed as a good way for meditating. I like to take a few puffs and basically do nothing while listing to calming music. It can enhance your breathe work and lead to emotional catharsis. I don't smoke with other people... isn't comfortable for me. It's a good way to get uncomfortable stuff to surface and let it go. 

Edited by Lyubov

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I used to be able to smoke weed frequently when I was a teenager. Was fun and did it at least once a week from ages 15-18. Only done it three or four times since then, it's no longer enjoyable or useful to me. So I don't do it, just like alcohol. It makes me feel anxious, sometimes physically ill, and just not pleasant.

You don't any have obligations to use it, regardless of whether your friends are using it, and there isn't anything wrong with you @Dylan Page. Just don't do it! There is a lot of bullshit and delusional attitudes around weed, as some kind of "spiritual" enhancer and all that. Yea, it may be awesome for some, but not for others like you or me.

Your life will continue on and be fine without it. Marijuana isn't necessary for anything, and your lungs and overall health will be better off not doing it.


Edited by Roy


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