
On Becoming a God

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8 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

Understanding is what moves away from it.

Nice... but on that one point...wouldn’t that imply two? Brahmin, as it were...and something which could ‘move away’ from ‘it’? Perhaps there is not an understander. 



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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Nice... but on that one point...wouldn’t that imply two? Brahmin, as it were...and something which could ‘move away’ from ‘it’? Perhaps there is not an understander. 

Yes, I agree with that @Nahm  Sometimes I write in dualistic ways hehehe... next time I will write it in a non dual way Lol...

Just kidding, I know what you are pointing at. There's no one to understand. And there's no one to move away to what you already are.  Everything is just an idea or thought, we are existence and existence cannot be separated from itself. :)



Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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37 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

Yes, I understand that.


Ok. I am not trying to convince you about my beliefs, I like to know other POVs and I think your POV is interesting. I am always open to new interpretations. I wanted to share my idea of how everything is.

In what I understand you cannot become God, in that we agree. The difference is that I think that you can't become God because you already are God. This is something that I understood from the Advaita Vedanta doctrine, and from what Ramana Maharshi or Nisagardatta have said.

But it is also logical to me. Everything that you want to become is an identity, and God/Brahman/The Absolute has no identity, is the source. And you are that source. This is my belief, just wanted to share it with you but I am not trying to convince anyone about this.


I agree with that, I am not completely familiar with the monotheistic teachings or what they say, but I tend to think that they see God as a person or some kind of identity. I don't think Brahman is a person, we agree on that. But what I think is that we are that. We are not persons too, our identity is a false construct. We can advance in the spiritual path and become Gods or Devas as you say. But in the end we all will have to abandon our identities to realize that we are the Absolute, Existence itself, with no names or attributes.

We cannot become it, because we already are it. You cannot become what you are. It's impossible. What we have to do is to realize what we already are.


We also agree on that point. Brahman cannot be understood. Understanding is what moves away from it.



Thanks for all the responses!!! Appreciated!


Again, God is a monotheistic concept, it does not apply to polytheistic philosophies, such as what you can find in Hinduism (notwithstanding some monotheistic tendencies, especially in Vaishnavism, which are clearly influenced by Islam and Christianity) . Simply put, there is no such thing as God, but there are gods. You are your own God, if you choose to be, but if anyone's expecting Santa Claus in the Sky, they're going to be severely disappointed. Becoming a god is about taking charge of your destiny and coming into your power, which is your birthright. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


The sentiment in the questions was an offering of sorts, a prompt perhaps, that you might inspect and see through the narratives.  If you’re interested in seeing the dualities at play (thought), you might contemplate them.... “becoming a God”, “all Gods having a light & dark side”, “Shiva being a manifestation”, “one can not exist without the other”, “ultimate evil”, a “Goddess of war & love” which “ work with”, that you have ‘comes to terms’ with “your dual nature”, and “grew to accept the Truth”, “like a God”, “my dualities”, “our dualistic nature”, “became nondual”,  that “we are weak as opposed to Gods”, “opposing natures...male-female, good-evil, solar-lunar”, “that happens in Truth”,  “both our sides working in unison”, “potential Gods”. “agreed prior to our incarnation in this”....”form”, “higher being”, “god-man”, “with the Gods” “One type of energy - a fusion of opposites” 

Or not, as well. All the same. ? 

Stop thinking.


It interferes with Self-realisation.

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There isn’t anybody thinking here. Totally seems like it, I’ll give ya that. Thinking doesn’t interfere with anything, it’s you. :)




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22 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Dumuzziit’s you. :)


It's me so why does it smile? 

Everyone is quite aware off what happens when I start playing smile tennis. Nothing good comes out of it. 

:) for me always bring questioning of my sexual orientation you know. 

God damn he really was sexy will not lie 'bout that. 

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Free will is paramount in this universe, that is the highest teaching.

Becoming a god is about exercising ultimate free will. 

You are your own free agent and you decide what shape your life will take and how you direct your life path. This is decided by the strength of your will, your intent and the energy you put into manifestation. In effect, all of life is a magickal working, the only difference between those that are conscious and those that are not is whether they practice magick in a deliberate and planned manner or whether they do so haphazardly, without any clear plan or direction.

Becoming a god is the ultimate magickal working and the end goal of all spiritual practice. It is what you were always meant to be, you just haven't realized it yet. Whatever path you take, at the end of each and every one is godhood. We are all creators, free and creative agents that co-create this reality. By becoming gods, we can slice out our own private universe from the greater whole and become its custodians and caretakers.

Every god claims a particular specialty, area of expertise or region of the universe to rule over. This isn't handed out by a higher authority (though there is a heavenly council of sorts, a consensus of the Elohim hive mind), but is a natural and organic outgrowth of the interests, idiosyncracies and personality traits of the person that becomes a god.

In other words, gods do what they do, because they want to, not because they're told to. They simply express their free will, the culmination of their wants, needs, interests and likes, which often coincides with the higher good, but may also be entirely selfish in nature.

The point is, at that level nothing is good or evil in itself, it is simply godly and does not answer to the demands of human morality. Therefore a god is just as likely to help people seflesslly as he is to wipe out billions in anger, if he detects a slight. He might help the "unworthy" from a human standpoint and ignore the plight of the "worthy" without a second thought. Divine Grace does not depend on merit, talking about the Goddess in particular, She will give it to whomever takes her fancy and deny it to those that most want it. She cannot be forced or cajoled into abandoning her free will.

When you become a god, you are on your own. You decide what you do with your own power. There's nobody there to judge you or to force you to abandon your free will. You can destroy the universe, if that is your will, or you can create a new one. Your own decisions only affect your section of the Universe, the one you rule over, the rest goes on as before. There are others of course, but they don't interfere in your affairs, except to give advice in a communion of sorts, where thoughts and energy are exchanged in a mutually satisfactory manner.

I realize these ideas are somewhat contradictory. But, since we're dealing with gods, they have to be. Everything and its opposite is possible in the realm of the gods. There is no restriction, no boundaries or limitation, only infinite free will.

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Continuing with the theme of this thread...

Gopi Krishna wrote extensively about his awakening and the evolutionary changes that the Kundalini mechanism triggered in him.

He was undergoing an upgrade, so to speak, where the drinking of Soma slowly transformed the very matter his body was made of into higher-vibrational and higher-dimensional stuff.

The way I imagine this is that the drinking of Soma gradually changes the composition of the molecular structure of the body. On the surface, it still looks the same, but the particles themselves that make up the body are gradually swapped out.

We don't understand the science of this yet, but I expect this to become a major branch of scientific inquiry in the future. As of now, we have to rely on anecdotal evidence and ancient accounts by people whose scientific understanding of the universe was rudimentary at best.

Friedrich Von Weizsacker, the famous quantum physicist, bridged some of that gap, by becoming an expert on Vedic literature, befriending Gopi Krishna and then writing the foreword (a seminal work of spiritual science, if there ever was one) to his first book.

So, we're in uncharted territory, but it is an exciting time to live in, a time of trials and tribulations, but also one of immense evolutionary change.

We are becoming as the gods, like it or not, at least those of us that are ready for and open to it. The world is going to change immensely in the coming decades and it will become unrecognizable, before long.

Don't waste this unique opportunity to upgrade yourself and evolve to the next level, to become a shining one, a Deva, a being of light.

Suffuse your being with light, drink of the Soma, raise the Serpent of fire to cleanse yourself first.

Once you've purified yourself through fire, burnt all your attachments and past Karma, you will be ready to ascend.

Ascension is a process in itself, you have to build yourself up to it over an entire lifetime. When you leave this mortal coil behind, you will shine like a second sun. Your light will give hope to millions, that they can also achieve ascension and become one with the light.

Ascension should be your only goal in life, your only focus, all other activities and priorities should be in service of this one goal, apart from taking care of basic necessities, because your body needs to be maintained and looked after whilst you inhabit it, much like you would with a car that you use every day. Just make sure you don't get too attached to it, because in time, it will rust and rot away, but you will be eternal.

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@Member Yes, I heard about it. The idea comes from Drunvalo Melchidezek. Interesting guy, but sometimes I wonder, whether he's genuine or not. 

Personally, I prefer to stick to Kundalini and Tantric methods, as well as the classics in general. I am rather suspicious of new age stuff, a lot of bad and/or misleading information.

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On 18.6.2020. at 3:56 PM, Nahm said:

Nice... but on that one point...wouldn’t that imply two? Brahmin, as it were...and something which could ‘move away’ from ‘it’? Perhaps there is not an understander. 

Ao there is no "guy who talks" it's ❤️=Infinite which talks. (not two of us only 1)?That's why my word is God since everything is me. Touche. 

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@zeroISinfinity God is dead.  Long time ago.

Take responsibility..or don't since God himself failed at it. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Dumuzzi Apparently, Merkabah is from Jewish mysticism.


The word Merkaba can be broken down thus: MER: rotating fields of light, KA: spirit, and BA: soul (this is taken from an 18th dynasty Egyptian translation, and in Hebrew it means 'chariot').  Therefore, Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals of energy (as with a strand of DNA), which transport spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another.


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Merkaba is an astral chariot, prove me wrong... Come to think of it I should have tried to use mine when I body exited last night

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Yes, Merkabah is supposedly God's chariot in Jewish Mysticism. For all intents and purposes, it is some sort of astral vessel. 

Similar contraptions exist in Hinduism, for instance when a sage is taken to Vaikuntha, Vishnu's home world and his body is transformed from a physical form to an astral one, made of light and shining.

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I wrote about this elsewhere, but in terms of the merging of dualities, there are very specific energetic principles that intermingle within the body. 

These need to be balanced out and merged to put one on the path towards ascension. Unbalanced energies can wreak havoc in the body.

Masculine and feminine aren't about male and female, we are talking about cosmic principles here, which also manifest in the microcosm of the body, as above, so below.

The dualities as they appear in the body and in human life in general are as follows:

Pingala Nadi, Masculine, Right, Solar, Hot
Ida Nadi Feminine, Left, Lunar, Cool
Sushumna: the centre, a synthesis of the two above principles

When a human raises their serpent power, it will rise in one of the above three channels. Sushumna is the correct one, debilitating symptoms can arise if a person is unbalanced and leans too much in either direction.

When one does energy healing, balancing out Masculine and Feminine energies within the body is a crucial step, very often that imbalance is the cause of disease, including in some cases mental illness. 

It is well known that an unbalanced Kundalini, if activated prematurely can lead to various forms of mental illness.

Regarding the duality of Purusha (Spirit) and Prakriti (Matter):

Prakriti is a form of Shakti, it is the feminine principle made manifest. The power by which Purusha creates Prakriti is through Shakti. 

Shakti is the Goddess part of the duality of individuated and personalised Brahman. She is present on all levels of creation, be it universal (Prakriti), personal (the Great Goddess or Mahadevi) or local (Kundalini Shakti).

The crucial insight to realize is that these are all forms that only appear separate and different. We see them as different from our point of view, but to Her, all of Her forms are equally important and relevant, she can appear and talk to us in any of them, based on her own preference and our individual need. 

You cannot raise yourself up, without realising the Shakti in you and becoming one with her. When you raise her up, once the last knot is pierced and she reaches the crown, the space above the head, which is heaven, this is where Shiva resides and the two merge together or reunite, to achieve nonduality.

Godhood/ascension requires a merging of dualities and existing in  a permanent non-dual state.

The power that can be accessed by the merging of dualities is truly awesome, the best comparison in our physical world is matter-antimatter annihilation. 

A nondual existence is also a non-material one, it is beyond, time, space and dimensions, therefore linear time and space completely lose their significance.

A god is basically an ascended being, which is why the list of gods and ascended masters, both in theosophy and other spiritual traditions, significantly overlap. The difference is in our mind, because we have a great deal of trouble understanding extradimensional, non-linear, non-dualistic existence. 

The white light that flashes when dualities are extinguished is all we can see with our dualistic senses, but there is a whole world, a whole universe out there, that is non-dual and it is subject to completely different laws and rules than our own, material realm.

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