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My self exploration journal 2

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Romance is so much better than sex. 

Of course sex is good. 

But the idea of eternal romance. Ahhh

It warms up my heart. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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It's time for me to pack my bags. 

No more participating in the forum. 

Time to focus on myself for good. 





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I’ve seen the dragon fly 

love trust vibe and flow friend ?

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That dragon is me. 

I'm here always. You are a beautiful soul. :)





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Me and Andrew together  

Soulmates are forever. 





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I feel like I want to live in the artic.. 

Ahh just a cold wind will put me to sleep.. 

Hahaha. I will turn into a polar bear hiding under a ton of blankets and jackets and having a fireplace in my room. 

It will be nice for a while to feel like I just have to be inside my burrow like an animal. 

Sometimes isolation from everything feels like a huge relief. 






INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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 Why does a tent in the arctic also look like a house? 






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I need to focus on memory issues 



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A glitch in the matrix. 

Sometimes a psychological glitch can be taken advantage of. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Here you go fam, haven’t listened to it yet but vouch for my friend Zen, this could be useful for the memory exploration :) 


Edited by DrewNows

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Thank you buddy. :)








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Only 3 things are important 

The goal or purpose or vision 

The path or the means 

The outcome 


As long as the outcome serves the direction of your purpose the path does not matter. 

By universal law, the path that leads to such an outcome is also aligned with your purpose. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Like Michael Jackson said, truth never goes out of fashion. 

There are certain things that are fundamentally wrong for example murder 

And the converse is true as well. There are certain things that are fundamentally right, for example justice. 

Such things never change  no matter what religion, culture, race or system

Any system that claims itself to be spiritual and yet tries to subvert fundamental truths or universal laws is nothing but pseudo spirituality and is basically wilful obscurantism. This is no spirituality, but new agey spiritual garbage. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Dogs need to be treated like dogs and kings need to be treated like kings. 


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The most important insight this morning is..... 

I was a bit worried about the state of the society. How society can morally degenerate when too much infestation by bad people happens. 

I got all emotional and fidgety. I couldn't stand good people suffering and bad people winning. 

But then I calmed down. 

And this wonderful insight dawned on me. 

That it doesn't matter how much gutter exists out there 

Society could be full of pedophiles and perverts and sick individuals trying to pervert and subvert it. 

But the Swan doesn't get muddied by the mud. The Swan stays a Swan. Pristine, pure and Incorruptible. 

The good cannot get corrupted by the evil. No matter how pervasive or powerful that evil may be. 

Also the bad will deserve the bad. The bad or evil will deserve chaos and destruction and degeneration of the self.

Whereas the good will deserve the good and Flourishing. 

Now if the good gets corrupted, it becomes bad and then it deserves bad as well. 

The good is not good enough if it gets corrupted. 

If the fabric of the society is strong nothing can create holes in it. 

And if holes are created, it's really not the fault of the one causing these holes. 

It's the fault of the fabric which is weak. 

Just being good enough is not enough. Being strong is the key. 

The Swan carries on with grace even in a dirty pond. And if not it will deserve the dirt. 

The universe has created a masterpiece. The world is perfect as it is, like a mirror reflecting what you show to it. 

The universe has already taken care of all my questions. It already has a remedy in place. 

It doesn't care if the society deteriorates or if evil persists. Because it will free the slaves and the sufferers. At the same time it wouldn't change anything at all, because it knows that all the degeneracy is well deserved. 

God laughs as he plays dice. 

My question was answered by the universe this morning and I'm glad. 

The only thing that the universe is telling me right now is "be free" because everything has already been taken care of. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Now if not the arctic, then I should live in a place like this. A desert. 


I don't know why I don't want green places where there are mountains, rivers and green forests. Maybe it's a bit too much. 

Of course because of the coronavirus I won't go anywhere. But my mind is craving open spaces where nobody lives. 

I have been to retreats before but they were in the middle of a city or in the mountains. 

But being in a place where nobody lives is a different experience. 

Like in the middle of the African Savannah next to a desert or in the Arctic or Antarctica 

Is this a signal from the universe to do something? I have no clue. 

Maybe this craving has a subconscious meaning to it. 

Things like these are intuitive and they always mean something deeper. 

For example, sometimes when I crave sugar, it could mean I crave energy. 

If I crave being near an ocean, it would imply I am craving peace and serenity. 

If I crave 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I want to make a chart of my cravings and how they imply something else in the subconscious mind. 

Just like how dreams mean something 

Cravings and their subconscious meanings 


Sugar                energy 

Shower                 Me time

  Shopping             Comfort   

     Ocean            Peace and serenity 

     Nature               Sense of community 

       Hangout            sense of companionship 


  An isolated place like an island or desert        Isolation and Destress 

      Social media                                    connection

      Odd or weird behavior                Attention 

      Creativity and art                 Expressing inner state or feelings

        Games                       Engagement 

         Coffee                           Fresh start 


      A warm cozy bed             Solitude 







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I need to keep a track of my cravings. 

Right now I'm craving for a vegan meal. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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2 questions 



What do I want right now? 

What do I need right now? 

Be free in expressing whatever I want. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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One principle of the universe is harmony. Or alignment 

Second is growth 

Third is goodness 

Fourth is.. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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