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How To Rise Above Thought

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No matter how hard you try; you cannot stop thinking, ever. Or anything else for that matter.

Things do not begin and do not stop. Things just are. Likewise; thought just is.

It too is Consciousness, like everything else. It's just rather contracted and limited/limiting.

And while you cannot stop it, you certainly can rise above or transcend it. You could 'negotiate' with it and 'cancel it out' or 'neutralize' it... This is done by responding with the polar opposite frequency. A simple example;

Thought A: 'I am a terrible loser and I suck at life.' ?

Thought B: 'I am pure perfection manifested and I totally rock!'?

You could also learn some 'meta kung fu' and simply turn your cheek on every thought that arises; focusing on the present moment only. However; you'd probably feel dizzy and exhausted by practicing this method; sooner or later. You might even dip your toes in the river of insanity. And that's no fun.

A far more direct and simple way to transcend thought - or anything else for that matter; is to simply breathe through it. 

Acknowledge it for what it is. Don't assume it to be 'less than' the Light of God. Don't try chasing it away or killing it. You might hurt yourself badly. God is smarter than you. At least while you're thinking. Especially then.

Let thought be. Let it melt away, slowly. Let it take its time. You are infinite.

Just breathe. Be conscious now.

Thought will let go when you let it be.

There are different densities of thought - if you will. Sometimes your mind can be filled with nasty, heavy thoughts - to the point where you can barely see anything in front of your face. And other times your mind can be relaxed and nearly silent; with just an occasional thought flying through.

This depends solely on the frequency of your Consciousness. It has nothing to do with stopping or chasing away thought. Telling yourself 'it's an illusion' all over again also doesn't work. That's just more thought.

How silent and how empty your mind is, is directly related to how deeply, how consciously and how consistently you breathe.

That's it. Very simple.

Meditation is the first step in reclaiming your breath. It 'starts out' as a practice and leads to a way of living. Pure Being. 

As I like to repeat; breathing consciously is the most direct way to God.

Less thinking - more loving ❤



Edited by ivankiss

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Breathing is definitely "underrated", it flows naturally without intention when you have healthy breathing habits and when your nasal passages work. My nasal passages are fucked, they have been for years. I have pressure in my head every day and blocked sinuses. Suffering is a natural byproduct of breathing problems, as it leads to fatigue/tiredness, brain fog, and much more. Here it is very hard to not enter a train of thought about your pain, and from there it is very hard to step off that train of suffering. Breathing is definitely not something you should take for granted, it is essential to the well being of your body and mind. I also agree that breathing can be a great anchor when the whirlwinds of thought gets too much.

I'd also like to add feeling as a great anchor. Feeling is before thought and resides in stillness. 

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