
How to truly get confident

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gotta say, a brilliant video from our new dude on the block here. In the latter half of the video he talks about how all his "confidence-training" (by exposing yourself to outside-your-comfort-zone) became obsolete when he finally had his awakening.

When you are fully awake, you know (not just a belief, but you *know*, as in the same way you know the colour blue is ... ta-daah: blue) that your true self is not human, but God/The Self/Consciousness/-w/e u wanna call it-. This means you don't actually fear death any more. And shyness/fear of approaching strangers/women results ultimately from your fear-of-death, so naturally this fear goes away when you're awake. This means that you sort of automatically become truly confident, and can express yourself as you want, without social/survival constraints. 

That's basically what he talks about.

And yeah, everything in life, including exposing yourself to women you're terrified of = a spiritual journey. Nothing in life is not spiritual/not a step (however small) towards the collective awakening of all humans on planet earth. :-)

And to all people who are not yet awake, make no mistake, you should always challenge yourself by stepping outside your comfort zone. Yes, it's per definition "not-nice", i.e. it doesn't feel nice in the moment you do it. But it's there all treasures in life are hidden away. Also the spiritual ones. Afraid to take a psychedelic? Afraid to go on a meditation retreat? Do it. Afraid to approach women? Do it. Whatever you're afraid of, there is gold behind that fear if you go into it. Literal spiritual gold. For example by actually going out there and talking to women, yes, you will naturally get more sex/laid as you become more confident, but that is not the "gold" i'm talking about, that is just a side-bonus, if you wanna call it. The gold is the inner work happening: in this case your confidence. And inner confidence translates directly to spiritual maturity (not fake confidence, but inner confidence... which you can only get by direct experience, not theory!).

I like how he talks about starting with small things like taking a small 1-2 minute cold shower every morning. A cold shower is not-nice, and therefore forcing yourself to do it = stepping outside your comfort zone (gotta tell you tho: it feels nice aftewards, I do it everyday after my initial hot shower..., yes I'm not hardcore:-))). So just by doing this small thing of implementing daily cold showers, you are training your unconscious mind and body to "be okay" with doing things that lies outside the comfort zone. And therefore it will be a tad easier doing more "dangerous things" like talking to that girl, or w/e it is you're socially afraid of doing, but deep down want to.  Do it. <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 hour ago, JimBo said:

Thank you for this post. ?


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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