
How is that the Ultimate Love aka God doesn't give a shit when a kid is raped?

61 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, astrokeen said:

This in Philosophy is known as the problem of evil. It goes like this:

If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect.

If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.

If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists.

If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil.

Evil exists.

If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn’t have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn’t know when evil exists, or doesn’t have the desire to eliminate all evil.

Therefore, does this mean that God doesn’t exist or that God is not who we think she is?

Read more here:


According to nondual philosophy, evil does not exist. Evil is something "other" than good. In nonduality, there is no such thing as "other"; therefore no such as thing as evil. The problem of evil is in the assumption that "evil exists". 

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Leo Gura said
Evil only exists IN YOUR MIND!

56 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Absolute Love is no-mind.

what about raping a child? Is that absolute love? 

How would you define what raping a child is? 


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35 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

what about raping a child? Is that absolute love? 

How would you define what raping a child is? 

Don't confuse a physical act with your value judgment of it.

The value judgment is your mind's projection.

Rape is not inherently "bad". Your mind is necessary to say that a thing is "bad". Notice that your mind is doing this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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52 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

what about raping a child? Is that absolute love? 

How would you define what raping a child is? 


17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't confuse a physical act with your value judgment of it.

The value judgment is your mind's projection.

Rape is not inherently "bad". Your mind is necessary to say that a thing is "bad". Notice that your mind is doing this.

Ok given what you are saying

 is there anything bad about raping a child? 

Edited by Nak Khid

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Rape infers a sexual act done to another without their consent.

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10 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

is there anything bad about raping a child?

Whatever your mind imagines it to be.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

Ok given what you are saying

 is there anything bad about raping a child? 


12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Whatever your mind imagines it to be.

so it's up to the individual

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@Nak Khid I’ve noticed you are tightly holding onto ideas about how bad pedophilia and murder is. I’m not saying you are right or wrong. However. . . If you experienced a pedophile’s and murder’s experience, your whole paradigm of ‘good and bad’ would come crashing down. I’m not talking about actually doing it or intellectually thinking about moral relativism, I’m talking about “Omigod. . . . So that’s what it’s like”.

The transcendence of your self construct reveals “no-self” and that you are all selfs. That includes “good selfs” like doctors and nurses. It also includes “bad selfs” like pedophiles and murderers. This isn’t an intellectual thing. It is an awakening. It can be blissful and liberating, yet it can also be extremely uncomfortable. Once this is revealed, you will never judge a pedophile or murderer again like you do now, because you would be judging yourself. 

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Do you think you could lose that Awakeness?

Leo said one time in a video that one guy had been Enlightened for some years and then "he lost it".

No?✨?what is seen can't be unseen

What i have become/rememered about myself cannot be undone

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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4 hours ago, seeking01 said:

@WaveInTheOcean You say experience the truth im pointing to. What would you say is the best way to experience that? 


A deep desire for "not being in delusion" anymore. I.e. you have to have a deep despire for true understanding/knowledge. Not for any particular reason, just for the value of that understanding/knowledge in and of itself. You must want to be as honest as possible. Cultivate honesty in every aspect of your life, how you are towards yourself and towards others, and slowly you will start seeing interesting changes within you (positive ones, although in the start it may be hard). You have to be like an "electric truth-pole" running around this dream spreading truth to yourself and everyone.

Then throw in some meditation and some psychedelics (most important one), and maybe, just maybe, you could one day awaken.

Listen to Alan Watts too.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

so it's up to the individual

no matter how brutal it sounds, yes, that is the truth. There is no "grand objective "law-book" in the Universe stating "rape is bad, don't do it!" ... To believe this is fanatic religious belief.

Look at animals. Chimps and so on. They do horrible things to each other. Probably also a lot of rape. There are male lions who kill small pups because the pups were not theirs. Etc etc.

You call that bad?? Nature calls it nature/neutral/harmony :-) 

Of course it is bad from a human pov. We are always looking at things from a human pov...because...we...are..humans!

So in a sense, yes, it is up to the indivdual. ALWAYS. It can NEVER NOT BE.

However, we at the same time HAVE to structure society in a way where it seen as "objectively bad/evil" to rape/kill/steal, cos if we just said "it's up to the individual" .. then ppl would do stupid things, cos ppl are stupid/selfish/animalistic as "their bread-and-butter" until they are teached some manners and/or awaken :-) We HAVE to do this if we want to be civilized and not go around "worrying" 24/7 if my neighbour will rape/murder me this evening.

(Of course if I do not care about my neighbour raping/murdering me then I don't have to do anything about it. But that's not how humans are. We are survival-machines. We care about survival. We have now become so advanced that we have made socieities/social technologies that benefit our common survival.)

So of course anyone on this forum, including me and Leo, project the "bad"/"evil"-label onto rape. The difference is just that me and Leo (and others) are very conscious of our own projecting (i.e. know that what is "bad" and "good" are relative/imaginary/mind-projection/our own projection) while you obviously are not :-)

Become. More. Conscious.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Evil only exists IN YOUR MIND!

The Universe cannot know what "evil" is for the same reason that it cannot know what up or down are. There is no up or down without some relative reference frame.

Just as in outer space there is no up or down, in God-consciousness there is no evil.

In order to create evil, there needs to be a relative reference frame of an ego-self. Evil is not baked into any action. The mind has to project it onto the action in the same way that the mind projects up and down onto the Earth. The Earth does not have an up or down and it does not know itself as being rightside up or upside down. Any angle the Earth is at is right. Now translate this to how Absolute Love works.

beautiful analogy

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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absolute love and unconditional love are not per say the same. they are so different as a black hole is different to space, nothingness is to everythingness, destruction is to creation, egoic-love is to self-love, duality is to nonduality, time is to timelessness, when absolute love happens unconditional love dies - that’s why even in non duality there is always a dual choice even if the absolute does not like that.

Edited by remember

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15 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

@Space but the Kid can't see outside of this perspective.

A rape is bad,I don't know how you can recontextualise this to sound good.

Imagine a slave that has to work 13 hours per day everyday,and then comes God and say to him "that's love actually".



It doesn't matter what the kid can and can't see. The truth is independent of the kid and the rapist. You're mixing up relative and absolute truths here. Rape is bad and of course it should never happen, but this is only so relative to the ego. At the same time, rape is neither good or bad from the absolute perspective because as Leo explains in his previous comment, good and bad are all in the mind and not baked into the action itself. 

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9 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

But God knows what's in my head or what's in that kid's head.

Doesn't He?

So why is he fine with it?

(I'm not talking about a religious God)


God's consciousness is so high that it understands that whatever is happening is the best way it could be. Since God is Love, it can't help but love itself.

The whole key here is for you to realize that no better reality is possible. The best reality possible has already been created. Here it is. The only problem is that you need infinite consciousness to appreciate it. Counter-intuitively, if rape didn't exist, that wouldn't be the best reality possible. It would be a worse reality. Any reality you imagine which is different than the current reality will be a worse reality. You just aren't intelligent enough to understand that because your vision is finite.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@freeman194673 I think you got it backward. God imagines itself going through a whole lot of suffering to give you the greatest present, even if it kind of forgets itself sometimes. It will do whatever it takes to love more. The one being loved isn't the rapist, it's you. It's how the whole structure of reality is stretched and twisted in a way to radiate infinite Love through every bit of consciousness, blending polarized feelings inside the deepest fractal of duality. God is perfect but it doesn't mean we don't have to do anything. Perfection is what we want to give, because this is the only thing Pure Love deserves.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


God's consciousness is so high that it understands that whatever is happening is the best way it could be. Since God is Love, it can't help but love itself.

The whole key here is for you to realize that no better reality is possible. The best reality possible has already been created. Here it is. The only problem is that you need infinite consciousness to appreciate it. Counter-intuitively, if rape didn't exist, that wouldn't be the best reality possible. It would be a worse reality. Any reality you imagine which is different than the current reality will be a worse reality. You just aren't intelligent enough to understand that because your vision is finite.

So that would mean that after the death of the person, and Consciousness imagines  another world and lifetime, that world/lifetime will be automatically a worse reality, because the current one is the best possible?

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6 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

So that would mean that after the death of the person, and Consciousness imagines  another world and lifetime, that world/lifetime will be automatically a worse reality, because the current one is the best possible?

No, that one is just the next chapter of the greatest story ever told.

The whole story is ONE! The chapters are infinite. Each chapter combines into an Absolute Perfection.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Now I understand why Jesus was crucified. 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Maybe I am not so conscious, I know actually I am an ego that only gets glimpses.

But I would say still that you don't have to say reality is perfect because the circumstances are so great.

A closed heart and all circumstances aren't good.

But you can say 'everything is perfect' because the Self is perfect, and everything comes out of that perfect consciousness.

But only meditation and love practice can help this problem you have.

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