
How is that the Ultimate Love aka God doesn't give a shit when a kid is raped?

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The only way to truely find out is to awaken to god otherwise we are just playing intellectual games

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4 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Imo you can recontextualies this however you want: rape=love, this reality is already perfect and doesn't need to be changed and whatnot.

But it doesn't change the fact that this kid suffers a lot and will probably suffer his whole life due to the trauma.

Why is the case that God doesn't give a shit?

This is an either / or choice between loving the rapist or loving the child. In this binary construct, love for the rapist means no love for the child.

Yet there is an expansion beyond this construct. One can love the rapist AND the child. 

Most humans can easily love the child and don’t need any more work on that. They have that part down. They need to work on loving the rapist (while also loving the child).

Imagine that you speak English and don’t speak Spanish. You can already speak English. You don’t need to go to school to learn English. You need to go to school to learn Spanish. And as you learn Spanish, it doesn’t mean that you reject English or forget how to speak English. Once you learn Spanish, you will be able to speak BOTH English AND Spanish. It’s not either / or. 

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4 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Imo you can recontextualies this however you want: rape=love, this reality is already perfect and doesn't need to be changed and whatnot.

But it doesn't change the fact that this kid suffers a lot and will probably suffer his whole life due to the trauma.

Why is the case that God doesn't give a shit?

God does give a "shit" but this world is ruled by the devil and its followers and all the bad things are a result of this. This is not true spirituality, it is just a consequence of poor education, lack of moral examples, lack of faith, fear of death because this is in fact a matrix created by the collective consciousness. This is NOT pure consciousness. You can see that pure consciousness in the babies' eyes. They don't know what good or evil is. But humans have to grow and remove the evil in the world by become pure consciousness again & attain higher self awareness. Self-awareness is what makes the human God and differentiate him from animals.

Edited by Member

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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah yeah a lot of coherent explanations let's see if all it's still hunky dory if one day your kid gets raped.

You are confusing absolute and relative truths

I'm awake but that does not mean I will not react in a humane way if my kid got raped (this includes mu character WITO getting insanely mad at the rapist. Simultaneously, though, I will -unlike most asleep ppl - be able to see it all of it (the traumatic event & my reactions) as ultimately a --twisted, yes, perhaps-- manifestation of God's infinite intelligent loving, selfless plan. I.e. my own plan. 

Just because there are somethings we are unconscious of, i.e. you are relatively speaking unconscious of what I eat to dinner tonight, it doesn't mean it's not our own doing.


For example, you are unconscious of how you beat your heart and how you open and close your hand...; You cant explain to me how you do either of these things; you just do it... like you shine the sun and the stars...?❤️??

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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2 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

why would God want to be raped by himself?


Why else?

God is infinite, so it cannot not love all parts of itself, including rape. God is so conscious of itself that it knows rape cannot be rejected but must be accepted. God cannot escape what is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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46 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah yeah a lot of coherent explanations let's see if all it's still hunky dory if one day your kid gets raped.

The mind tend to think that because there's an explanation, then if rape happens we are going to feel nothing or we are not going to react to an event like that. Or that is not going to affect us... that's how the lower mind sees everything, black and white. If you say one thing, then you are against the other... there's no middle path for the lower mind (ego).

You can know the truth and be affected at the same time.

Knowing the truth doesn't make you an insensible person that doesn't feel anything or that doesn't act.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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53 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

You are confusing absolute and relative truths

I'm awake but that does not mean I will not react in a humane way if my kid got raped (this includes mu character WITO getting insanely mad at the rapist. Simultaneously, though, I will -unlike most asleep ppl - be able to see it all of it (the traumatic event & my reactions) as ultimately a --twisted, yes, perhaps-- manifestation of God's infinite intelligent loving, selfless plan. I.e. my own plan. 

Just because there are somethings we are unconscious of, i.e. you are relatively speaking unconscious of what I eat to dinner tonight, it doesn't mean it's not our own doing.


For example, you are unconscious of how you beat your heart and how you open and close your hand...; You cant explain to me how you do either of these things; you just do it... like you shine the sun and the stars...?❤️??

Sorry but I don't agree mate.

If I a say I am God or a I am conscioussness lets be honest how much % I am sure of that. Because if then I feel fear is because deep down there are still beliefs that I might be a human after all.

19 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

The mind tend to think that because there's an explanation, then if rape happens we are going to feel nothing or we are not going to react to an event like that. Or that is not going to affect us... that's how the lower mind sees everything, black and white. If you say one thing, then you are against the other... there's no middle path for the lower mind (ego).

You can know the truth and be affected at the same time.

Knowing the truth doesn't make you an insensible person that doesn't feel anything or that doesn't act.



That's like you say "I am God and I know 100% sure that death is imaginary" and then you end up homeless in the street and suddenly you feel fear and insecurity about your body.

What is the truth? Do you really know it and you are not that sure?


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"If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn’t have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn’t know when evil exists, or doesn’t have the desire to eliminate all evil."

God obviously does not have a desire to eliminate all evil, cos if she did, then there would be no evil, which implies that where would be no good either. 

You can't have tails without heads. 

You can't have black without white.

You can't have have good without evil.

You see?

It would be Absolutely EVIL of God to eliminate all evil, cos then there would be no good either. Of course God ain't stupid LOL. 

See, God is infinite; he doesn't have a desire to eliminate anything at all. Quite the opposite. He will include INFINITE imagination into his dream. Infinite Imagination. This of course includes evil acts. We need evil in this world to know goodness. We can't know we're good, if there isn't some bad in the world.

Imagine an utopia world where there is no evil. Everyone are 100,00% good. Only good acts. No misbehaviour, only loving kindness and mutual understanding, complete selflessness.

Now, such a world would be the opposite of beautiful. It would be hell. No one would know what "good" even is. 

You need fucking bad things/evil things. It's when goodness and beautiful things happen DESPITE OF ALL THE EVIL/BAD SHIT that you actually appreciate and acknowledge the beautifulness and goodness. <3

"Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose."
-Dolores westworld quote. So much truth in this quote.

What is good and what is evil is a perspective. See, it's a human perspective. Absolutely speaking, there is zero difference between raping and saving a princess from a dragon. Of course, we are all on this forum God in human form, so I think raping is one of the worst things you can do as a human being, and naturally I'd be motherfucking mad if a rapist raped my child. You see? I'd be mad against myself (the rapist is myself). Just like I'd be somewhat mad against myself, if I touched a hot plate and burned my fingers. 

1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

For example, you are unconscious of how you beat your heart and how you open and close your hand...; You cant explain to me how you do either of these things; you just do it... like you shine the sun and the stars...?❤️??

And, you see, in EXACTLY the same way, you are unconcious of the fact that You, as the character WINTO, ate porridge this evening for dinner. (I'm eating it right now). Of course, if you take my words for the truth you are sort of semi-concious of it now:D

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Why else?

God is infinite, so it cannot not love all parts of itself, including rape. God is so conscious of itself that it knows rape cannot be rejected but must be accepted. God cannot escape what is.

"God is infinite, so it cannot not love all parts of itself,"

you are sure that's what you intended to write?

Edited by Nak Khid

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28 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

What is the truth? Do you really know it and you are not that sure?

How can't you know?

The only thing that is true is what is permanent... if it dies, it's not true, not real...

You don't need to be enlightened to understand that... IMO

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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13 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

How can't you know?

The only thing that is true is what is permanent... if it dies, it's not true, not real...

You don't need to be enlightened to understand that... IMO

Exactly! If you are not consciouss of the truth is the precise moment, then you will suffer.

That's why Spirituality from belief comes with serious self-deception dangers .

But one good question would be...if I had been consciouss of what is true, yet now I am not, could it be that Im still "not done"?

See, there's the approach about states of consciousness. Meaning if you can realize the truth but then fall back into a state of consciousness where the truth is not being realized, then only delusion exists.

But if it was really the truth, shouldn't be clear now?

If I a totally I am 100% sure identity doesn't exist, I wouldn't be alive right now. So it seems that my mystical experiences has given me some info, but not strong enough to actually die.

That's why I think enlightenment comes when the truth is 100% obvious. I remember Leo saying "doesn't matter how much Enlightement experiences you had, if you still doubt you are the body you haven't trascended fear" 

56 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:




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40 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Sorry but I don't agree mate.

If I a say I am God or a I am conscioussness lets be honest how much % I am sure of that. Because if then I feel fear is because deep down there are still beliefs that I might be a human after all.

What did you not agree with? :D I don't understand

I however think it's quite obvious you are still stuck in duality. 

When you are awake like I am there is zero difference between what you call "God" and what you call "a human". Zero. It's all One.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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10 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

What did you not agree with? :D I don't understand

I however think it's quite obvious you are still stuck in duality. 

When you are awake like I am there is zero difference between what you call "God" and what you call "a human". Zero. It's all One.

Do you think you could lose that Awakeness?

Leo said one time in a video that one guy had been Enlightened for some years and then "he lost it".

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Evil only exists IN YOUR MIND!

The Universe cannot know what "evil" is for the same reason that it cannot know what up or down are. There is no up or down without some relative reference frame.

Just as in outer space there is no up or down, in God-consciousness there is no evil.

In order to create evil, there needs to be a relative reference frame of an ego-self. Evil is not baked into any action. The mind has to project it onto the action in the same way that the mind projects up and down onto the Earth. The Earth does not have an up or down and it does not know itself as being rightside up or upside down. Any angle the Earth is at is right. Now translate this to how Absolute Love works.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Evil only exists IN YOUR MIND!


So does kindness and love exist only in the mind 

or do they exist out of the mind? 

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Evil only exists IN YOUR MIND!

The Universe cannot know what "evil" is for the same reason that it cannot know what up or down are. There is no up or down without some relative reference frame.

Just as in outer space there is no up or down, in God-consciousness there is no evil.

In order to create evil, there needs to be a relative reference frame of an ego-self. Evil is not baked into an action. The mind has to project it onto the action.

@Leo Gura But God knows what's in my head or what's in that kid's head.

Doesn't He?

So why is he fine with it?

(I'm not talking about a religious God)

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He does care to the point of screaming. But the rapist heart is too cluttered perhaps still..

So he does care and it's also not uncommon for people in extreme pain to lose consciousness, or the memory is blocked out.

But the base of consciousness simply doesn't care because it's just not of this.

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15 minutes ago, freeman194673 said:

@Leo Gura But God knows what's in my head or what's in that kid's head.

Doesn't He?

So why is he fine with it?

(I'm not talking about a religious God)

@freeman194673 yes you are thinking of God as some religious God.



If you have a problem with a child getting raped, go create some conscious policies by getting into politics to eliminate rape. Join some community, make a support group, make people aware of their ignorance and give to society tools for psychological growth. ACT. Don't be caught up in theories about God. 

If God would have been seperate from you, then God couldn't see you suffer. But the thing is, YOU ARE GOD. You suffer because of YOUR IGNORANCE. You choose to suffer. 

You have control over your actions so do whatever you feel GOD would do in the situation you are facing. It's as simple as that. 


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2 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

So does kindness and love exist only in the mind 

or do they exist out of the mind? 

Absolute Love is no-mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@WaveInTheOcean You say experience the truth im pointing to. What would you say is the best way to experience that? 

9 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Because in truth -- from the highest perspective, Absolutely speaking -- it is not the kid that is getting raped, but God.

Only God exist. Everything else is illusion. So "<all that can ever happen> in Reality" = The Godhead doing things to itself.

Nothing is outside God.

God = The Godhead = Everything = The Entire Universe = The Fabric & Structure of Existence Itself = Reality = Nothingness = Consciousness = The Self = Love = Absolute Infinity = Pure Selflessness = Me = You

of course dont believe in anything i just said. directly experience the truth im pointing to.

Words can only point.


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