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All the signs are saying to continue spiritual path

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Hi for everyone who is reading it. 

Before I start I am sorry for grammar mistakes.

So last week for the first time I had a no duality awakening. I was everything: couch, pillow, the man I love. By touching his hand I also felt like I am him and we are just one. The visuals ware so weird. In my mind I already had an idea what it is no duality but when I saw with my own eyes it was totally different. The love I felt for everything, the pure love, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt selfless I felt free and happy. 
That night was heavy raining and lightening with thunder and with all that feelings I felt from the outside I saw a clear huge light and thunder and it was like approval that its real, that what I feel is real. 
After few days the feeling settled, I didn’t think too much about it. But on Sunday I was laying down thinking about myself and I was able to remember the feeling that I am that couch on which I am laying. It hit me one more time, just this time it was less exciting. 
What is more exciting after this experience I started to see numbers 1111 and 0000 extremely often. I knew already about 1111 meaning (because I see it everyday), but today I read about 0000 and the meaning of it is:  „can be a reminder that you are one with God, and you feel your creator's presence. It can also mean that a situation, event, issue, etc. has come full circle. Full circle means something has ended in the way it had begun. It can also mean something has begun and ended.“ 
Of course this is just an explanation but I definitely see it as my way too. But after I read it, I saw 1111 and got totally confused. 
I feel like my spirits are guiding me, I trust universe and its plan but these things made me think, what should I do next. Where I should guide myself. 
I am here to ask you guys, what you suggest to do, I will definitely meditate on this when I get back home, but maybe there is some literature I can read or some guidance, because I am lost a little.

PS all these weird feelings started yesterday when I randomly decided it is time to read book; „Real Magic :Unlocking Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Create Everyday Miracles“ by Dean Radin PhD. 
Somehow I think universe guided me there and after reading meaning of 0000 it kind of confirmed to me that I am going to the right way. 

So if you have some advice or just thoughts to share I would be very thankful.

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This very forum exists because Reality is waaaay more miraculous and intelligent than most people realize.

Spirituality starts with this acknowledgment. Of course, we are no different than God itself or the Universe but, in a dualistic sense, God is always guiding us, moment to moment into our maximum spiritual evolution possible, keep going :)

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@FourSeasons Sounds great! My advice would be not to get too hooked on seeing signs and guidance in every moment instead just focus on being in every moment. You are a pattern seeking mammal, so "1111" and "0000" will pop out a lot because you are expecting to see those numbers. Not denying synchronicities but when true synchronicities shows up they are usually more profound than seeing some numbers. When you throw away your stories you will see that reality is way less dramatic than what your ego wants it to be. 

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@Esoteric I agree with you, I am waiting for it. But yesterday I was working a lot, and was able to deal everything with for event I am hosting (online of course) everything was perfect and 1111 poped totally out of nowhere and it was so magical I felt like I am doing it right, so yeah, thank you for your message! It made me think about it ?

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