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Engaging with Christianity?

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I've been playing basketball at a local church for the past year, and recently became friendly with the pastor. We talked about spirituality and religion, and I borrowed some of his books (C.S Lewis and a few others). I'm grateful to talk about spiritual ideas with someone who's dedicated their life to it, and has a lot more experience than myself.


However I'm wondering if I continue this relationship i'll become involved with the church, and the potential side effects of doing so. 

On the one hand I probably haven't transitioned through stage blue fully and being affiliated with it could do some good.

On the other, I'm nervous that I may become overly attached to the institution and prevent myself from self-actualization through reliance on an institution.


To give some background, I've never taken church or Christianity seriously despite going to a private catholic school.
What are your thoughts?


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Reading the Bible is nice, that way you get your own ideas from the words that Jesus spoke. He preaches Love and selflessness to the maximum. And if you have a clear mind, the words will speak to you personally. You can definitely learn from the story regardless of its truth or not. If you want to believe its real, then that is your free will to do so, and the same goes for any other truth one finds on the path. But to me, organized religion is just not personal enough. That's not to say its wrong. The Church exists, all Communities exists to have the stronger beings bring healing to the weaker ones. Maybe weaker of Body, Mind, or Spirit. And coming together is healing. Being alone can be hard. 

I have principles that come before any truth, and that helps when choices have to be made. That way every decision is based on a principle like freedom. And if going to church limits me, which to me it did, then I can't do it. And it wasn't until graduating High School that I was able to leave the Cult-ure of Catholicism and delete the guilt and shame I would feel about so many things. Its Brainwashing like all things if you get to deep. And when there is enough to explore and make sense off, suddenly its your life. And your living based of a structure, and when you leave that structure, it sends alarms. But that was my own experience. You will have yours. Take the positives, grow and be at peace. Just follow your heart. And Love every second of it.  


Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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