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Importance of Contemplation / Meta Life Purpose?

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Hello my fellow Life Purpose seekers! I am currently taking the course and wanted to make this thread because of an insight I had.


I have been journaling and constantly thinking about my values, strengths, interests, and various other things concerning my life purpose. I had come to the realization that, among other things, I am very interested in thinking about deep existential questions about life, spirituality, that I'm curious about learning about or discussing almost any topic, and that I love it when other people enjoy or find great benefit in something I created.

By continuously asking myself 'why?' about my passions and also by thinking back of what inspired me in the past I realized that what I'm passionate about is "Marvelling at the beauty of Life". This actually explains what I previously realized: By asking deep existential questions about the nature of Life and by being endlessly curious it's like I am Life's lover in a way. And by the creation of beauty for others to enjoy, those people can then in turn marvel at the beauty of Life, through what I create.

So whether it is by itself a passion or not, it's what inspires my passions and is also a nice poetic way to summarize them.


The key thing I wanted to share though is that you should try brainstorming with various similar questions: "What am I curious about?", "What would I love to learn more about?", "What am I passionate about?", etc. and then when you find some convergence you shouldn't settle for it yet. If you're majoring in Physics and think Physics is what you're passionate about, ask 'why?', then maybe you'll realize it's because some documentary you saw as a kid inspired you. Then you can ask why it inspired you. Maybe you'll realize it's because the documentary portrayed physicists as people who disover the deepest truths about the universe.

So now I know I don't want to pursue Physics academically anymore but could instead do something I love even more. A few weeks ago it wasn't obvious to me that my Life Purpose wouldn't be about Physics. So just ask the basic questions and keep thinking.


note 1: I haven't yet finished the course. This isn't my Life Purpose Statement/Zone of Genius/Impact Statement.  I just wanted to share where I'm at and hopefully it might be useful.

note 2: With Life I basically mean reality/existence/nature/universe


So I thought about what I realized yesterday a little more and worked it out further and I think this might be like a "Meta Life Purpose", in the sense that this is actually what all Life Purpose's are about on a higher level? I summarized it as follows:

"To marvel at, rejoice in, and share the beauty of Life"

And that our specific Life Purpose's are a specific/concrete expression of that?

Correct me if I'm wrong ;)



Edited by ItsNick
wanted to add another insight

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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