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Political Correctness and Censorship (Fawlty Towers)

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The classic Fawlty Towers episode "The Germans" has been censored by the BBC to "omit racist language". Other popular British comedy shows like "The Mighty Boosh" (which I got introduced to when I was still living in the UK and found incredibly funny) and "The League of Gentleman" have been pulled entirely.

I wonder what people's opinions are on the issue of political correctness and how the topic relates to spiral stages. What confuses me is that political correctness seems to be a Stage Green phenomenon, and I very much embrace Green/Yellow values, but I cannot subscribe to this kind of political correctness. In my mind, to want to censor Fawlty Towers you'd have to be completely ignorant of what this episode in particular and satire in general is all about.

I live in a German speaking country (Austria). I have friends in Germany. I can assure you "we" are NOT offended by this sketch. On the contrary, Monty Python are extremely popular over here, and this episode has always been one of my favourites.

In case you have never seen it, this is the supposedly "racist" scene in question:

I'm sure some of you will have seen the Munk Debate on Political Correctness, and while I have found most of it appalling to watch, I found Stephen Fry to be phenomenal as usual, and in his opening statement, he summed up my thoughts on the subject more eloquently than I ever could, so I'm just gonna quote him instead:

"My ultimate objection to political correctness is not that it combines so much of what I've spent a lifetime loathing and opposing - preachiness, piety, self-righteousness, heresy hunting, denunciation, shaming, assertion without evidence, accusation, inquisition, censoring...that's not why I'm incuring the wrath of my fellow liberals by standing on this side of the house. My real objection is that I don't think political correctness works. I want to get to the golden hill, but I don't think that's the way to get there. I believe one of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective."

What do you guys think? Is this kind of censorship truly justified? If so, how? And, what is of particular concern to me, how does this whole issue relate to spiral stages and Green values?

Thank you in advance for all your opinions. I hope we can have civil discussion since this topic can evidently ruffle some feathers.

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Censorship pisses me off. I want to know things. If someone is a racist or evil, they reveal it. The more common forms of censorship is conservatism and any traditional values. It is documented extensively that if you vote republican, you will be suspended more often than a democrat. Tim Pool on JRE called out twitter and on his youtube. I don't partake in twitter and I avoid news. I have been avoiding social media more and more. The cancel culture consists of Karen and victim card. Its very appalling. I try to avoid it. I hope youtube and other companies that censor due to political bias slip off when alternative platforms are available. 

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